Theodore's World: The fashion world is applauding Melania Trump style on the First Lady's inaugural international trip. (May 26)

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May 26, 2017

The fashion world is applauding Melania Trump style on the First Lady's inaugural international trip. (May 26)

The fashion world is applauding Melania Trump style on the First Lady's inaugural international trip. (May 26)

Wild Thing's comment.................

Yes it matters.... remember our First Lady represents our country and it is important how she presents herself. The wacky things Michele Obama wore were IMO horrible and in very bad taste. It is so wonderful to finally have a First Lady that loves fashion, knows what it is and loves our country. Unlike the America haters we had for 8 miserable years.I will always remember as a little girl I would hear the news talk about Jackie Kennedy.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 26, 2017 10:02 AM

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