Theodore's World: Iran stalls probe into nuclear weapons research

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March 26, 2015

Iran stalls probe into nuclear weapons research

Iran stalls probe into nuclear weapons research

Iran is failing to address suspicions it may have worked on designing an atomic bomb, according to the latest report by a U.N. watchdog, potentially complicating efforts by world powers to reach a deal with Tehran on its nuclear program.

The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency said Tehran had still not provided information it was due to produce more than two months ago to help advance a long-running IAEA inquiry into suspected nuclear weapons research.

The confidential document was issued to IAEA member states less than three weeks before the Nov. 24 deadline by which Iran and six global powers are seeking to end a decade-old standoff over the Islamic Republic’s atomic activities.

“Iran has not provided any explanations that enable the agency to clarify the outstanding practical measures,” it said.

Wild Thing's comment...........

Obama could care less that Muslim terrorists WILL get their hands on nuclear weapons.

Posted by Wild Thing at March 26, 2015 12:45 AM