Theodore's World: Rev. Jeremiah Wright Says of Obama, “I made it Comfortable for Him to Accept Christianity without having to Renounce His Islamic Background”

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May 16, 2012

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Says of Obama, “I made it Comfortable for Him to Accept Christianity without having to Renounce His Islamic Background”

Rev. Jeremiah Wright Says of Obama, “I made it Comfortable for Him to Accept Christianity without having to Renounce His Islamic Background”

Here is audio of Edward Klein, author of “The Amateur,” talking with Sean Hannity about his new book and his interview with Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Klein interviewed Wright for more than three hours for the book, and says he has much of it on tape.

Among other things, he said Wright is “fulminating” at Obama for having “thrown him under the bus” back in 2008 when Wright’s “Godd*mn America” sermon came out. Klein reports that Wright told him that he could not say he “converted” Obama to Christianity, but that “I made it comfortable for him to accept Christianity without having to renounce his Islamic background.”


Wild Thing's comment.......

Like Tom says OBama is a Muslim.

The thing is we have learned that with Isalm Obama or anyone would be threatened and very possibly taken out if they were Muslim and turned away from their beliefs. They have done it enough times that we should believe them.
IMO Obama would have a very tuff time if he was ever really vetted to prove he was NOT a Muslim. His actions, associations, his administration that is heavy with Muslims and so many things prove it along with what this Rev. Wright has said...imo.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 16, 2012 02:55 AM


Next January, the retired President should go back to Chicago and with the retired Reverend go on a world tour together with their Black Liberation Paulo Freire Social Justice Black Power Marxist Pedagogy and see where it takes them, besides out of this country and its people they despise so much.

Posted by: Carlos at May 16, 2012 09:45 AM

Perhaps this is why his middle name on his pristine birth certificate is HUSSEIN?
The CRUSADE is on in less than 6 months:

Gay Marriage vs. Evangelicals and we know which side GOD is on!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at May 16, 2012 10:00 AM

I do not doubt any of Klein's statements. There is so much proof of obama's ties to islam that denial is almost "mission impossible". obama is a muslim.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at May 16, 2012 12:15 PM

Great input, thank you all sooooo much.

Posted by: Wild Thing at May 17, 2012 03:23 AM