Theodore's World: Krauthammer: 'Obama's Answer To Everything; Expand The Government'

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May 17, 2012

Krauthammer: 'Obama's Answer To Everything; Expand The Government'

May 16, 2012

Krauthammer: 'Obama's Answer To Everything; Expand The Government'

Wild Thing's comment.......

Charles is so right, that is what Obama does and believes in the bigger the government the better. More and more control of everything in our lives and tax all of us as much as possible.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 17, 2012 02:47 AM


Yes, yes, yes! Ethanol has been an expensive boondoggle. It should be used as an example of too much govt mandate and too much appropriated funds going to a failed experiment. America now has enough known fossil fuel(coal, gas and oil) to become energy independent. We should concentrate on that. Let private enterprise develop alternative(green) energy. Their experimenting will be mush more cost effective and productive.

Perhaps NASA could help with developing alternative energy, but of course now we know that NASA has become a designated muslim outreach organization.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at May 17, 2012 12:57 PM