Theodore's World: Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote

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August 07, 2008

Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote

This video was filmed July 31st in Los Altos Hills, CA.


Clinton Leaves Option Open for Convention Floor Vote

Fox News

Hillary Clinton told a group of supporters recently that she has not yet decided whether she will put her name in for a roll-call vote at the Democratic convention in Denver later this month.

The New York senator was filmed addressing the matter apparently at a California fundraiser last week. The video was posted on YouTube.

“I happen to believe that we will come out stronger if people feel that their voices were heard and their views respected. And I think that is a very big part of how we actually come out unified, because I know from just what I’m hearing that there is just this incredible pent up desire,” Clinton said in the video, after being asked by a supporter if she’d consider putting her name in for the nomination.

“And I think people want to feel like ‘Okay, it’s a catharsis, we’re here, we did it,’ and then everybody get behind Senator Obama. … No decisions have been made.”

Clinton said she was trying to work out the issue with the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Such a vote would presumably allow her remaining delegates to throw their symbolic support behind Clinton on the convention floor.

“I could be wrong, but the best way I think is to have a strategy where my delegates feel that they have a role and that their legitimacy has been validated,” Clinton said.

Barack Obama spokesman Bill Burton told FOX News that nothing has been decided in terms of the role of Clinton’s delegates.

He said Democrats remain united, despite the hard-fought battle between Clinton and Obama.

Wild Thing's comment..........

This is gonna be good entertainment! heh heh

LOL she seems to have all her bases covered to very possibly have something happen at the DNC convention.

Obama will not complete his first year in office, if he nominates her for VP. Either by death, sickness or scandal driven resignation, she will assume the Presidency within the year if they let her tag along as VP.

Were I in his shoes, I would sincerely fear for my life with her in the VP slot.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 7, 2008 03:55 AM


And it's dangerous, too! She's a socialist and power hungry. She could have Obamanation killed herself so she could take command. Anyone remember Vince Foster? (blood don't run uphill!)
Then she could pick Nazi Peeloser as her vp and we'd really be in a pickle!!!!!!!!!
Vote not for the black dumbo and Hitlery!!!

Posted by: Lynn at August 7, 2008 04:26 AM

Pelosi and Hillary can't stand each other. I doubt she would pick pelosi as a veep.

But this is good to see the fight is still going on. I don't believe there will be an enthusiastic support of obama by Clinton supporters, as she stated. There is still a huge group, aka 'PUMA', Party Unity My Ass, out there just waiting for the chance to disrupt the convention and get Hillary involved. If a compromise is made, worst case scenario, and Hillary would be thrown a bone for the veep slot just to shut her up, this would be an automatic loser. Two huge egos fighting each other and presenting a united front against McCain this would be a disaster of huge proportions. That could only benefit the country.

Privately I think Clinton is seething inside, this was a public display of reconciliation. Obama won't even consider Hillary for the Veep spot, she has got to be really pissed.

If this proceeds as we hope it will it will be better than any WWF no holds barred wrestling match.

At this point democrat party unity is an illusion. Obama is out there making idiot statements about what he would do and Hillary is waiting for the right moment to cut him off at the knees. Hollywood couldn't write a script as good as this.

Posted by: Mark at August 7, 2008 07:53 AM

A lot can happen in a few weeks. The Dems are split badly, like feuding in-laws. Obama's sheen is purported to be wearing off and McCain is gaining a bit of steam. A rancorous and bloody Dem convention could hurt them badly.

My hope of course is that the Dem convention comes unglued. Hillary could still pull an upset then the Obama group would be the affronted bunch. I think that even if they somehow pull a unity prank and get thruogh the convention with little strife, there will still be a strong undercurrent of anger by the two main candidates that may have an effect on the eventual winner and the Dem Party's ability to run Congress.

Posted by: TomR at August 7, 2008 09:48 AM

Do you remember the '68 convention??

I am hoping that this one makes that one look like a TEA PARTY...

I hope they ALL kill each other and then they can say "We gave our lives to save America" and mean it...

Posted by: TexasFred at August 7, 2008 04:09 PM

Lynn, yes the Clinton's are very dangerous. I would not feel safe knowing them in person on any level, work or friend.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 7, 2008 05:22 PM

Mark, yes I think so too. That seething she and Bill feel is not going to just go away with a little speech they might be allowed to make at the convention.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 7, 2008 05:25 PM

Tom, I would love to see that happen. I would love to know what they will say in the back room for Obama and the back room for Hillary if she gets one. hahhaha

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 7, 2008 05:28 PM

Texas Fred, heh heh!

""We gave our lives to save America" and mean it... "

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 7, 2008 05:33 PM