Theodore's World: Hanoi Kerry Says McCain's Judgment Is Dangerous

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July 07, 2008

Hanoi Kerry Says McCain's Judgment Is Dangerous

Says Republican Candidate Is A "Changed Man" For Siding With Bush On War, Economy, Energy

CBS Face The Nation

Sen. John Kerry believes that the presumptive Republican nominee for president is adhering to the Bush Administration orthodoxy in ways that call into question his carefully-nurtured image as a political maverick.

"John McCain has changed in profound and fundamental ways that I find personally really surprising, and frankly upsetting," the Democratic Senator from Massachusetts said on CBS' Face The Nation.

"This is a different John McCain. This is not the Senator John McCain; this is want-to-be president John McCain.

"And the result is that John McCain has flip-flopped on more issues than I was even ever accused possibly of thinking about! I mean, this is extraordinary what he's done: He's changed on taxes; he's now in favor of the Bush tax cut. If you like the Bush economy, if you like the Bush tax cut and what it's done to our economy, making wealthier people wealthier and the average middle class struggle harder, then John McCain is going to give you a third term of George Bush and Karl Rove.
"If you like what has happened to oil prices, John McCain is going to continue that policy. If you like what you see about health care, John McCain has no health care plan.
"I would have at least expected the John McCain that I knew back then to realize what almost every person in the Pentagon has admitted. There are very few who walk around and say, 'Going into Iraq was the right thing to do, and we should have done it, or do it again if I have the chance.' John McCain does.
"I'm challenging Senator McCain's judgment," Kerry said, "that says, 'There's no violent history between Sunni and Shia.' That's wrong. His judgment that says, 'This is going to increase the stability of the Middle East.' It hasn't, it's made it less stable. The judgment that says, quote, 'This will be the best thing for America and the world in a long time. It's the worst thing that we've done in a long time. And he's turned his [focus] away from Afghanistan and al Qaeda and made America less safe. That's dangerous for our country."
Kerry criticized McCain's continued support of the occupation, given the effect of a continuing presence of U.S. troops on the situation in Iraq and the region at large. He pointed to remarks by leaders in the Middle East who told him during a recent visit, "You, America, have served up to Iran Iraq on a platter."
"They are outraged by the ineptitude of what has been done by those who decided it was smart to go into Iraq," said Kerry, who feels the Republican Party is now in turmoil over the "reality" of McCain's position, which is that "he has a plan for staying in Iraq and Barack Obama has a plan for getting out of Iraq."

Wild Thing's comment.......

The other day I posted about how Kerry had trashed Col. Bud Day. Now he is taking his BS and yakking about McCain.

He says that McCain has dangerous judgment, and yet we can remember that McCain solicited John Kerry to be his VP nominee. LOL Yes that WAS bad judgment on McCain's part. Funny how Kerry's words come back to bite him. heh heh

Here we go. “This is not the John McCain that I knew.”

Kerry is a traitor. The statute of limitations has not run out on his acts of treason. He can still swing by a rope if convicted. And he should.

Kerry seems to forget the fact that McCain slandered the POW families along side Kerry.

Kerry also forgets that McCain told off the Swift Boat Veterans that were speaking the truth about Kerry. Hey Kerry, so much for staying out of the fray in this election and not attacking your ole buddy McCain. OH but that makes sense on Kerry's part he turned his back on his brothers in Vietnam as well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kerry: "if you like the Bush tax cut and what it's done to our economy, making wealthier people wealthier and the average middle class struggle harder, ..."

This same old lie about the tax cuts being only for the rich.

The 2003 Tax Cuts:

1) Extended the earn income tax credit thereby helping the lower class.

2) Doubled the child credit from $500 to $1000 per child.

3) Eliminated the marriage penalty.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 02:47 AM


John Kerry being the spokesman for the Party of Envy and Entitlement, that's rich!!! He must be taking over the vocalizations for his brain damaged counterpart.

Change for the Democrats will always mean resurrecting yesterday’s solutions to problems long solved and by using equivalency as one of their favored tactics. Take us back to the glory days of the 60's Kerry, when you and Jane joined with and championed our enemies.

McCain isn't playing the game the way he started out, meaning he doesn't appear to be in lockstep anymore with Kerry, tsk tsk, sour grapes.

Posted by: Jack at July 7, 2008 03:40 AM

Traitor Sen. John Lurch Gomer Kerry called our Vietnam heroes Genghis Khan war criminals too, eh? - Star Chamber 2008?

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 7, 2008 04:05 AM

Kerry trashing McCain is good news. He's the kiss of death for Obama, but this should be hailed as a step forward for McCain.

Now more than ever McCain needs to leak the existance and the considering of, a strong Conservative VP choice.

Hey Kerry, when are you going to disprove D.Boone Pickens... He's waiting...

Posted by: Mark at July 7, 2008 07:09 AM

Kerry is an A-Hole. Oil prices are set by a world market. How does Kerry think Bush is affecting them. After all, Nancy Pelosi said her congress will bring down gas prices and so far, they've only rose under her congressional leadership.

Posted by: BobF at July 7, 2008 08:35 AM

The flip-flop king is accusing someone else of flip-flopping. How typical. Washington DC, the magnet for back stabbers. No wonder Democrats like mass transit so much. Lots of buses to throw former allies under.

Speaking of buses. Did Kerry's friend Jane Fonda ever get her veggie powerd bus running?

Posted by: TomR at July 7, 2008 09:46 AM

I don't understand why Kerry is a US Senator- He should of been booted out after the last election! How does he even have the nerve to talk about McCain- after all the crap Obama has "changed" his opinion about-? McCain seriously neds a VP that can kick some butt!-

Posted by: Cheryl Zee at July 7, 2008 09:49 AM

I had to dig in my archives to find this piece I wrote on Kerry back in 2004.

Leadership...being a leader. Being a commander of a Swift Boat, like Lt. Jg Kerry was, means he was the leader of his men. He was responsible for the training, morale, fitness, well being, and most of all the lives of those men under his command. He was the Officer in Charge and had the responsibility. His job and duty was to see these guys made it through the war and accomplished the missions assigned to them. On that Swift Boat he was the Old Man, the boss, the CO. How did Lt Jg Kerry accept his responsibilities? Lets see, the first chance he got he left his men high and dry. You’re fighting a war and you have put your life in this guys hands and suddenly, without warning, he is gone. Not because of higher headquarters orders but because he found a way out in the system and took it. He didn't have to take it but he did. How many NCOs’ and Officers could have taken early returns on deployments but refused because they wouldn't leave their men behind. I once had to order a young NCO back to the states while on a deployment because his wife was due to have their baby very soon and there was the chance of complications. He didn't want to leave because his aircraft and people were still there and he felt his place was with them. BTW, baby and wife came through it ok.

Now I want you to put yourself in the places of these enlisted men on Kerry's Swift Boat. Here you are stuck in this forsaken country for at least one year and an officer, a rich kid from an influential family with strong political connections is your Skipper and suddenly after only 4 months he is gone, on his way back to the states with a chest full of medals. What would you have said or done 35 years ago when this happened? Being an enlisted man myself, I know what these men would have said and it wasn't "good luck". Those guys, the ones that were on stage with him, would have probably fragged him in a heart beat...fragging is when the troops kill their own officers because they are untrustworthy. And then, to top it off, this officer, your former leader, is telling the world that YOU murdered innocent people, YOU were war criminal, and YOU are a lowlife. He was not talking about Army Special Forces, Infantry, or Marines. All he saw was Swift Boat Action so when he said he witnessed atrocities he could only have been talking about "Swifties"...YOU! You tell me how you would have felt if you were one of those men? Your CO. just betrayed you to the world by fabricated falsehoods to further his goals. And, now tell me why only a few of those men are now standing with him on stage, supporting him, and singing his praises? I think we know the answer, they are either being bought off or are most likely promised some type of reward or compensation. If Kerry wins they know they will have direct access to the White House...he’ll need them in 2008. That is a very powerful thing to have, especially to someone whose life is basically, like most of us, an unknown. I hope these guys realize that if Kerry looses that the Democrats will not remember them for their faithful service to John Kerry during his presidential bid. No sir, they will remember them as the baby killers of Vietnam because once their "war hero" is out of the picture, they will go back to hating anything connected with the military and Vietnam, like they have for the past 40 years. It's funny though how his fellow officers, the ones who stayed and led their men through the war, are not singing his praises but condemning his actions. The leaders, the ones who cared for their men and did their time in-country, his peers and his superiors, all say he is a liar and cannot be trusted to lead as he is not a leader.

Posted by: BobF at July 7, 2008 10:52 AM

Well stated BobF, about Kerry as with Obama it's about character. Character counts. Kerry tried to get out of serving and upon being denied an extension of his student draft deferrment at Yale Kerry did enlist. He decided it would be better for a political career if he volunteered and chose the Navy since he was less likely to see combat there. He never dreamed he'd see combat on the ground by going to Vietnam to get his political ticket punched.

Setting Straight Kerry’s War Record explains John Kerry's behavior, let the reader decide who is the war criminal.

Joe Bangert , one of Kerry's veterans' affairs advisors and Band of Brothers, lived in Hanoi for five years.

Posted by: Jack at July 7, 2008 12:19 PM

Wow ... what a creep Kerry is. He had approached McCain as a running mate ... McCain defended Kerry when he was being unfairly attacked ... Kerry demeans McCain's judgement, when it was McCain who came up with the surge, which worked! And, Kerry is choosing Obama, who has no experience, voted present 100 times in the senate, and never voted on the committee he chaired, and spent 20 years in Jeremiah Wright's anti-American, racist church. And, Kerry is saying McCain has poor judgement???
Thank God Kerry wasn't elected President ... and, God help us if Obama is elected President.

Posted by: Gina at July 7, 2008 04:45 PM

Jack, yes he sure is!!
Your right too about how they keep gong back to the era when they "thought" what they did was what worked for America and it sure as heck didn't.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 05:54 PM

Darth, "Star Chamber", I love that movie. heh heh

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 05:56 PM

Mark, I agree, he has got to pick a real strong conservative. For so many reasons this is soooo important.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 05:58 PM

BobF, thanks for the link on Pelosi and gas prices.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 06:04 PM

Tom, apparently it never got the funding needed for the veggie powerd bus of Hanoi Jane. LOL That was so funny to even think about it. haha
Your right abouto D.C. being filled with back stabbers.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 06:06 PM

Cheryl, I agree, Kerry never ever should have been allowed to hold any government office. He really makes my blood boil.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 06:08 PM

BobF, WOW that was awesome!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you so much for sharing it here. Fantastic!!! And you said it all.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 06:12 PM

Jack, thank you for those links. The war record and the one of that asshole and the anti war bs against our awesome Vietnam Vets. Damn I can't stand people like that. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 06:15 PM

John Kerry!!! Isn't he the Senator who was going to sign Form 180 to authorize the release of all of his military records? What about John Kerry's "secret plan" for dealing with Iraq? Both are still MIA.

So, when it comes to John Kerry, who give's a f__k what he says? Other than Barack Hussein Obama that is.

Posted by: Les at July 7, 2008 06:26 PM

Les, I would bet Obama wishes he would only vote for him and not be mouthing off for him. LOL Kerry is not someone that anyone should want on their team.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 11:28 PM