Theodore's World: Colorado's Basketball Coach Jeff Bzdelik Visits Troops in Iraq and Kuwait

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July 07, 2008

Colorado's Basketball Coach Jeff Bzdelik Visits Troops in Iraq and Kuwait

Jeff Bzdelik, Colorado's head basketball coach,
recently joined other hoops coaches on a USO tour through Iraq and Kuwait.

Wild Thing's comment..........

This is a moving video on what the Coach has taken back with him from visiting the troops. If I met him I could tell him this kind of thing will live in his heart and soul forever.

The most amazing thing of going to visit the troops is that what you bring back inside your soul is a thousand times more then anything a person can do for them. Their smiles and the look in their faces, and the moments shared together, well it lives on and on into forever.

40 years later you can be sitting watching TV and your mind will go back there as if it was happening right now, live. And that there are no real words for what your feeling, it is one of those private moments of a cherised memory kept alive in your very soul.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 02:50 AM


Tooooo bad lune Colorado Buffalo Professor Ward Churchill wasn't invited... for target practice, eh? Sadly Colorado / Color ado it blue in 2008?

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 7, 2008 04:02 AM

Darth, LOL love the for target practice idea. heh heh

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 7, 2008 04:46 PM