Theodore's World: Military Officials Say Allies No Longer Trust Us, Fear Obama Might Leak Intel to Iran

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March 28, 2015

Military Officials Say Allies No Longer Trust Us, Fear Obama Might Leak Intel to Iran

Military Officials Say Allies No Longer Trust Us, Fear Obama Might Leak Intel to Iran

NBC’s Richard Engel reported Friday that U.S. officials were stunned they were not given any notice before Saudi Arabia launched attacks against Houthi rebels. According to Engel, military leaders were finding out about the developments on the Yemen border in real time.

Engel said officials from both the military and members of Congress believe they were not given advanced warning because the Arab nations do not trust the Obama administration after they befriended Iran.

“Saudi Arabia and other countries simply don’t trust the United States any more, don’t trust this administration, think the administration is working to befriend Iran to try to make a deal in Switzerland, and therefore didn’t feel the intelligence frankly would be secure. And I think that’s a situation that is quite troubling for U.S. foreign policy,” Engel said.

Many experts said they worry the Iran negotiations have done irreversible damage to the U.S.’s relationship with Israel and Sunni Arab nations. A lack of intelligence sharing and communication because these nations fear the U.S. might leak sensitive information to Iran could cause incalculable harm.

The negotiation, itself, has drawn rebuke from members of Obama’s own party as troubling details emerge of U.S. concessions. A deal with Iran may only embolden the rogue nation that is funding terrorism and chaos in the Middle East to continue their expanding influence over the region.

“So there are many people who I have spoken to, many in the military, many policy analysts who say what we are seeing here is incoherent policy regarding not just Iran, but regarding the middle east in general,” Engel said.

Wild Thing's comment..........

I would not trust telling Obama information either. He has no loyalty to the country ( ours) he represents nor to our allies.

Posted by Wild Thing at March 28, 2015 12:50 AM


Arab nations are worried? Look what he did to Israel. Look at what he did to America. In 2010, he released the size of the US nuclear arsenal, something that has never been done before.

Posted by: BobF at March 28, 2015 09:17 AM

About time the Saudis got actively involved and risked some Saudi blood.

The muslims and obama are mutually f**ked up and everyone is fighting everyone. That is not a war in the MidEast, it is a gangbang melee'.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at March 28, 2015 01:58 PM