Theodore's World: IRS Scandal - Ben Shapiro: The Obama Administration Works Like Like A Mafia Organization - Kelly File

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June 21, 2014

IRS Scandal - Ben Shapiro: The Obama Administration Works Like Like A Mafia Organization - Kelly File

IRS Scandal - Ben Shapiro: The Obama Administration Works Like Like A Mafia Organization - Kelly File

Wild Thing's comment...........

Ben Shapiro is good, I wish though he would learn to slow down when he speaks. He talks so fast it is to the point of being hard to concentrate on what he says. LOL But other then that he is well worth listening to.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 21, 2014 12:50 AM


The US CONSTITUTION means NOTHING to these Barackshevik Marxists...

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at June 21, 2014 05:45 AM