Theodore's World: Krauthammer on Hillary Clinton Saying “No Reason” to Further Investigate the Benghazi Scandal (video)

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May 08, 2014

Krauthammer on Hillary Clinton Saying “No Reason” to Further Investigate the Benghazi Scandal (video)

Hillary Clinton Sees “No Reason” to Further Investigate the Benghazi Scandal

Hillary Clinton saying today she sees “no reason” to investigate the Benghazi Scandal any further.

Well, that’s a shock! Hillary Clinton does not want to give answers as to why four Americans were not protected to start with by her State Department.

She does not want to explain why reinforcements were not sent to help the Americans under attack in Benghazi on September 11.

She does not want to explain why she, along with Obama, lied for two weeks after the attack, blaming it on a video.

Yet she sees “no reason” to talk about further.

Wild Thing's comment............

Can you imagine how the families feel that she met with at the airplane hanger that day when she promised them she would get them answers.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 8, 2014 12:55 AM


She's correct when Nero is interviewing Caligula and Caligula is interviewing all others in their CIRCUS MAXIMUS!

Benghazi White Out by Diana West:

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at May 8, 2014 08:11 AM

I wonder? Will it really matter if the truth comes out and Hillary holds responsibility for the attack and murder of an American Ambassador and three other Americans? She will still, if she wants it, be the Democrat presidential candidate and multi-millions of Americans will still vote for her. I've lost faith in the American people to do what's right for America. After all, we just witnessed a total failure get reelected as president.

Posted by: BobF at May 8, 2014 09:46 AM

Hillary Clinton is a very very cold person. She does not seem to have the emotions a normal person has. Her career takes precedence over all including what is moral. I think she will seek a very prominent place in history and will run for the Oval Office regardless of fallout from scandals.

I also fear that you are right Bob. After two successful elections by our "Magic Negro" and after watching numerous episodes of Leno's Jay Walking I believe way too many Americans are dumbed down to the reality of politics. Instead they are concentrated on the scripted phony drama of "reality" shows and talent contests.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at May 8, 2014 12:17 PM

Magic NEgRO or Magic / Emperor NERO? Hillary knew Slick Willie had at least 9 affairs in the Oral Office with Monica (1994 / 1995) and she attacks the WOMAN? Not ONE sexcapade but NINE?!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at May 9, 2014 12:35 PM