Theodore's World: US Chaplain Alliance Files Brief With U.S. Supreme Court in Support of Chaplains’ Right to Pray

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August 07, 2013

US Chaplain Alliance Files Brief With U.S. Supreme Court in Support of Chaplains’ Right to Pray

US Chaplain Alliance Files Brief With U.S. Supreme Court in Support of Chaplains’ Right to Pray

It’s really unbelievable that military chaplains have to plead with the Supreme Court for the right to pray at public meetings. What has happened to this great nation?

First Prayer in Congress, September 1774, in Carpenters Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

The Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty, an organization dedicated to protecting the right of service members to live out their faith as they protect the liberties of all Americans, has filed an amicus brief in the U.S. Supreme Court in support of the right of Americans to pray before public meetings.

The religious liberties case, Town of Greece v. Galloway, provides the U.S. Supreme Court the opportunity to affirm America’s long-standing practice of opening public meetings with prayer.

“We are calling for the Supreme Court to affirm public prayer, which is rooted in our nation’s history and tradition, and to allow chaplains and others to continue to pray in public meetings, just as our founding fathers sought to ensure,” said CH (COL) Ron Crews, executive director for Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. “Our military chaplaincy provides an elegant model, created by the Founders and upheld by the courts, of a respectful accommodation of religious belief–a model whose principles can and should be applied to legislative prayer.”

“Our brief makes the point that a military chaplain, just like a chaplain in a town council meeting, cannot fulfill his or her duties with the federal courts looking over one shoulder and a hypothetical observer looking over the other to assess when a religious activity may make an observer feel like an outsider,” Crews explained.

Wild Thing's comment............

This is shocking that our country has come to this.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 7, 2013 12:50 AM