Theodore's World: Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report: “It’s Iran-Contra Times a Thousand”

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August 02, 2013

Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report: “It’s Iran-Contra Times a Thousand”

Mark Levin on Explosive CNN Benghazi Report: “It’s Iran-Contra Times a Thousand”

Mark Levin responding to the explosive new CNN report that the CIA is engaged in a massive effort to cover-up what happened in Benghazi. Levin said if the CNN story is true, it is a major scandal because it proves the President and the Secretary of State, and others, have lied blatantly to the American people to cover-up some kind of activity going on that involved dozens of Americans. Levin, who is well acquainted with the old “Iran-Contra” Scandal during the Reagan Administration, said Benghazi could well turn out to be “Iran-Contra times a thousand.”

Wild Thing's comment..........

Memo to Jake Tapper: watch your back and have someone else start your car!

Posted by Wild Thing at August 2, 2013 12:45 AM


Also food taster. Don't forget to hire a food taster!

And hugs for Chrissie. (Well, just because!)

Posted by: rickn8or at August 2, 2013 04:10 AM