Theodore's World: Obama's UNBELIEVABLE ABUSE OF POWER – The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal in Five Minutes (MUST SEE VIDEO)

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June 09, 2013

Obama's UNBELIEVABLE ABUSE OF POWER – The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal in Five Minutes (MUST SEE VIDEO)

UNBELIEVABLE ABUSE OF POWER – The IRS Conservative Targeting Scandal in Five Minutes (MUST SEE VIDEO)

The IRS targeted hundreds of conservative groups since 2010. 500 conservative and Christian groups were illegally targeted by the Obama IRS starting in 2010. For twenty-seven months the Obama IRS refused to approve any Tea Party applications for tax-exempt status. At the same time the Obama IRS approved dozens of progressive applications within weeks.

Wild Thing's comment..................

Thank you to Greta Van Susteren for putting together this powerful video.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 9, 2013 12:55 AM


Excellent video. I hope, but won't hold my breath, that some wogs go to prison over these IRS scandals. I hope this scandal added to the many more will contribute to the fall of the obama reign.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at June 9, 2013 11:58 AM