Theodore's World: Obama and the Democrats Turning Newtown Parents Into A Dozen Cindy Sheehans

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April 13, 2013

Obama and the Democrats Turning Newtown Parents Into A Dozen Cindy Sheehans

Rush: Democrats Turning Newtown Parents Into A Dozen Cindy Sheehans
'The Newtown parents are human shields in a sense. The Newtown parents are out there to protect the Democrats from any criticism'

Rush: "I think it's shameless, shameful, this regime, the way they use victims, poor people as props and pawns. I just saw that a parent of a child killed at Sandy Hook is gonna give the weekly presidential address on Saturday. It's shameful. You know exactly what the purpose of it's gonna be"

Wild Thing's comment...............

I agree and it is two fold, they are being used by Obama and the rest of the left and at the same time the parents are not thinking straight because of sooooo much grief and pain or more of them would realize new laws mean nothing to bad people only to the law abiding people.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 13, 2013 12:44 AM


The more these people speak against the Constitution and allow Obama to use them as pawns, the more I loose sympathy for them.

Posted by: BobF at April 13, 2013 10:10 AM