Theodore's World: Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe Raids - Good for Sheriff Joe!

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April 06, 2013

Legal Workers Line Up for Restaurant Jobs After Sheriff Joe Raids - Good for Sheriff Joe!

Jobs Americans Won't Do? "Crap", said one woman with a Masters degree willing to take the $8/hour jobs at Phoenix' Pei Wei Chinese joints after Sheriff Joe Arpaio liberated them with raids arresting dozens for identity theft crimes. What on Earth does Obama and holder not get about this? For every illegal with a job, there's an American without one. Thanks Sheriff Joe!

Wild Thing's comment............

God bless Sheriff Joe and Obama can burn in hell.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 6, 2013 01:40 AM


We need more of this. Running off the illegals and opening those jobs up to Americans. Dubya, you were wrong about jobs Americans won't do.

Thank you Sheriff Joe.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at April 6, 2013 10:32 AM