Theodore's World: Obama State Dept. Tells Parents of Iraq Vet Held in Mexico They Can’t Do Anything to Help

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December 19, 2012

Obama State Dept. Tells Parents of Iraq Vet Held in Mexico They Can’t Do Anything to Help

Obama State Dept. Tells Parents of Iraq Vet Held in Mexico They Can’t Do Anything to Help

Unreal. The parents of Jon Hammar, a former Marine held in Mexico on gun charges, were on with Bill O’Reilly tonight. The parents told O’Reilly the Obama State Department told the family “they can’t do anything” to help them.

Jon Hammar has been in a Mexican prison for four months on what is being called a trumped-up federal weapon charge. He was arrested Aug. 13 in Matamoros after he declared to Mexican customs agents a shotgun he planned to use for hunting in Costa Rica. He’s been held in jail since August and chained to a bed.

Wild Thing's comment...............

This is horrible, what a nightmare.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 19, 2012 04:55 AM


Sandra Fluck gets "insulted" by Rush Limbaugh and receives a call from Obama. An American Citizen gets imprisoned in Mexico for a trumped up charge and Obama doesn't even know about it and could care less. Maybe if Jon Hammar would advocate free birth control for everyone, Obama might get involved.

Posted by: BobF at December 19, 2012 07:33 AM

Jon Hammar should claim to be an agent of Fast and Furious. Then obama would get him back here ASAP.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at December 19, 2012 10:48 AM