Theodore's World: Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls On Obama To Label The NRA “Enablers Of Mass Murderers”

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December 16, 2012

Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls On Obama To Label The NRA “Enablers Of Mass Murderers”

Dem Rep. Jerry Nadler Calls On Obama To Label The NRA “Enablers Of Mass Murderers”


Today, following the shooting massacre of 20 children in a Connecticut school, President Obama said that “meaningful action” needed to be taken to prevent such tragedies from happening in the future.

But what “meaningful action” can Obama actually take, given Republican control of the House and Congress’ deeply felt fear of the politically mighty National Rifle Association? And politics aside, what new laws would actually solve or make a dent in the country’s crazed-gunman problem?

Rep. Jerry Nadler said thinks that the president has only one option.

“There’s only one meaningful action he can take, which is to take on the N.R.A., label them as the enablers of mass murderers they are, really push for strong gun-control legislation and call out those congressional leaders who don’t support it,” Nadler told me this afternoon.

“It is time to call out the N.R.A. as enablers of mass murder and start embarrassing people and saying, ‘Who do you stand with? The parents and children of this country or the potential mass murderers?’”

Nadler said there’s nothing else Obama can do, realistically.

“There is no other meaningful action,” Nadler said. “He has to know that. … I can’t imagine what else he could have meant.”

Wild Thing's comment...............

So it begins, when will they ban cars and baseball bats, and knives and how about windows..people have been thrown out of windows.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 16, 2012 12:47 AM