Theodore's World: Chris Matthews Very Upset With Obama: "Where Was Obama Tonight...What Was He Doing"

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October 04, 2012

Chris Matthews Very Upset With Obama: "Where Was Obama Tonight...What Was He Doing"

Wild Thing's comment.......

Obama looked lost, Romney was super confident and alpha like a leader, Obama's mouth was getting dry, he was looking sick, its because Obama doesn't know anything about running a business or governing anything, he is a puppet he only memorizes a script, Romney was going off the top of his dome, Romney is a real leader.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 4, 2012 02:50 AM


The tingle is gone. It has been replaced with inflammed hemorrhoids for Chris.

Now the liberals can suffer disappointment and lack of enthusiasm as we conservatives have done since 1988.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at October 4, 2012 01:00 PM