Theodore's World: Charles Krauthammer on Cain: You Sound Like Clinton

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November 03, 2011

Charles Krauthammer on Cain: You Sound Like Clinton

Wild Thing's comment.......

Cain not only sounds like Clinton he also sounds like he blames everyone else but himself.


Posted by Wild Thing at November 3, 2011 04:50 AM


Romney ,Cain and Perry along with the other hopefuls are squabbling like a bunch of school kids and it looks flat stupid. And Obama and Rahm Emanuele rolling on the floor laughing their a$$ off. This
Smacks and smells of Chicago politics. It’s like beating the enemy without firing a shot.Or in its
simplest form, “Divide and Concur.”.If the Republicans don’t get their $h*t together we will be
stuck with the Mulatto for another 4 years and that ain’t good.

Posted by: Gator at November 4, 2011 11:14 AM