Theodore's World: Thug Tactics Of Michelle Obama:“This is going to require each of you to grab somebody by the shoulders and make them understand .."

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October 29, 2011

Thug Tactics Of Michelle Obama:“This is going to require each of you to grab somebody by the shoulders and make them understand .."

The Daily Caller

The president is facing a very tough re-election campaign, first lady Michelle Obama told audiences at three Florida fundraisers on Thursday.

“This is going to require each of you to grab somebody by the shoulders and make them understand what’s at stake; how their self-interest is directly tied … It’s up to each of you to work like you’ve never worked before,” Mrs. Obama told an afternoon crowd of 200 people at the waterfront Tampa home of property developer Joel Cantor.

She used the same mix of threats and promises at a lunchtime fundraiser in Jacksonville. “This is not a joke. The choices are clear. We need you fired up and ready to go, working hard every minute of the day,” she said at the end of her stump speech. “We don’t have time to joke around. You got to shake people up. You got to get them ready to roll. We can do this.”

~ snipet ~

Every event ended the same way, with Ms. Obama rallying her fans, and calling on them to make a big personal commitment to the Democratic Party’s leader for one more campaign.

“He cannot do this alone,” she declared. ”He needs your help. He needs you out there, understanding these stakes, helping others who might be lost and confused … He needs you to take those ‘I’m in’ [registration] cards, fill them out, sign up, get your friends, your neighbors, your colleagues, your congregation members.
“Shake them up. Convince them to join in this effort and to invest just a little part of their life each week to this campaign. That’s what Barack Obama needs from you. “


Wild Thing's comment......

Thug one, Barack and thug two sure will feel good to get them OUT!

Posted by Wild Thing at October 29, 2011 03:50 AM


Come January 2013, it'll be nice to have a Lady as the First Lady again.

Posted by: BobF at October 29, 2011 10:11 AM

neither michelle nor barack recall reverend (hah!) jeremiah wright saying anything hateful or racist in the 20 years they sat in trinity united church of christ in chicago. jeesh, sounds like guilty-as-hell perps being coached by their criminal defense attys against self-incrimination. time to haul out the trash.

Posted by: howardfrombroward at October 29, 2011 02:28 PM

This woman is so disgusting in her demeanor. She belongs in a people of Walmart photo album. A real slob and a hateful personality.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at October 30, 2011 12:47 AM

You mean like "Get in their faces!"? Been done already, hasn't convinced a whole lot.

Posted by: Anonymous at October 31, 2011 06:39 PM