Theodore's World: Donald Trump Responds To New York Times

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April 11, 2011

Donald Trump Responds To New York Times

The New York Times

To the Editor:

Re “Donald Trump Gets Weirder,” by Gail Collins (column, April 2): ..... (LINK to Her write up about Trump)

Even before Gail Collins was with the New York Times, she has written nasty and derogatory articles about me. Actually, I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent. Her storytelling ability and word usage (coming from me, who has written many bestsellers), is not at a very high level. More importantly, her facts are wrong!

As far as her comments on the so-called “birther” issue, I don't need Ms. Collins's advice. There is a very large segment of our society who believe that Barack Obama, indeed, was not born in the United States. His grandmother from Kenya stated, on tape, that he was born in Kenya and she was there to watch the birth. His family in Honolulu is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in-they just don't know.

He has not been able to produce a “birth certificate” but merely a totally unsigned “certificate of live birth”-which is totally different and of very little significance. Unlike a birth certificate, a certificate of live birth is very easy to obtain. Equally of importance, there are no records in Hawaii that a Barack Hussein Obama was born there-no bills, no doctors names, no nurses names, no registrations, no payments, etc. As far as the two notices placed in newspapers, many things could have happened, but some feel the grandparents put an ad in order to show that he was a citizen of the U.S. with all of the benefits thereto. Everybody, after all, and especially then, wanted to be a United States citizen.

The term used by Ms. Collins-“birther”-is very derogatory and is meant in a derogatory way. Had this been George Bush or almost any other President or Presidential aspirant, they would never have been allowed to attain office, or would have been thrown out of office very quickly.

For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen. What they don't realize is that if he was not born in the United States, they would have uncovered the greatest "scam" in the history of our country. In other words, they would become the hottest writer since Watergate, or beyond.

Open your eyes, Gail, there's at least a good chance that Barack Hussein Obama has made mincemeat out of our great and cherished Constitution!

New York, April 7, 2011

Wild Thing's comment.........

Actually, I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent.

I love his comeback. LOL

This is incredible to watch. It takes a man with Trump’s existing stature to be able to pull this off. He is going around the media. The establishment of both parties has considered this issue ‘fringe’, but it is not remotely fringe.

“For some reason, the press protects President Obama beyond anything or anyone I have ever seen. What they don’t realize is that if he was not born in the United States, they would have uncovered the greatest “scam” in the history of our country. In other words, they would become the hottest writer since Watergate, or beyond.”

Good stuff! Who else but Trump could get this published in the NY Slimes? It’s a breath of fresh air to hear someone shove these common sense arguments down the medias’ throats unflinchingly.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 11, 2011 01:50 AM


Jason Blair couldn't have WRITTEN it better in his FORMER NY Slimes hit piece fabrications, eh? When one gets SLIMED, a la GHOST BUSTERS ... it's a badge of HONOR!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at April 11, 2011 10:50 AM

Good digs by Trump at the press.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at April 11, 2011 11:41 AM

Trumps comments are refreshing to say the least...I don't know if I'd vote for him if he runs but I do like his style.

Posted by: Dani at April 11, 2011 03:47 PM

It's refreshing to see a man with strength and honesty.

Posted by: Marcine Bice at April 11, 2011 04:47 PM