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December 09, 2010


House Passes DREAM Act! Senate to Vote Thursday [Today]Morning


After about two hours of debate, the House passed the DREAM Act - legislation that will grant amnesty to over two million illegal aliens.

Despite the fact that voters loudly expressed their opposition to amnesty during the November elections, Democratic leaders decided to push the DREAM Act in the last few days of the lame-duck session of Congress.

And, by taking advantage of the fact that 63 Democrats would not be returning in January, they were able to pass the bill (H.R. 5281) to appease their open borders base.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) urged Members not to consider the overall numbers, but to consider the individual people who would benefit. She stated that passing the DREAM Act recognized the principles of our founding fathers and would make America “more American.”


OMG Speaker Pelosi compared passing the DREAM Act tonight to our Founding Fathers winning their independence.

The bill will cost the American taxpayers another $6.2 billion. The DREAM Act will afford some federal education benefits to illegal immigrants, including federally backed student loans and work study programs. The bill will also give amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, including those with criminal records.
Does Pelosi think our Founding Fathers were criminals?


Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Immigration Task Force, argued that Congress must end the “injustice” that has befallen those illegal aliens covered by the legislation and ensure that such aliens do not suffer the same “injustice” suffered by their parents who are working hard under poor conditions across the country.

Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) argued that the DREAM Act was about bringing the most talented and creative individuals into American society.

In the end, the vote was largely along party lines: at least 38 Democrats voted against the bill and 8 Republicans voted for it.

The Republican turncoats
Joe Cao (defeated in general election) Mike Castle (defeated in primary) Lincoln Diaz-Balart (retiring) Mario Diaz-Balart Charles Djou (defeated in general election) Vern Ehlers (retiring) Bob Inglis (defeated in primary) Ileana Ros-Lehtinen

Today (Thursday), the Senate is scheduled to vote on whether to proceed with debate on the DREAM Act—a vote that requires 60 yeas to pass.

Wild Thing's comment........

Where is our America?????

DREAM = Democrats Recruited by Every Available Means

It’s not the “dream” act. It is the NIGHTMARE act.

This is really bad. These evil evil people. We are living in a dictatorship, but some still don’t realize it. 70% of the country wants our laws enforced, in almost every poll but the leftists pass it anyway.

Arizona got tossed under the bus, illegals running rampant get away with everything, while we the people are monitored and interrogated (and that’s not even counting the strip searches).

It goes to the Senate today. Dear God please do not let it pass there. Let’s hope this fails in the Senate. Otherwise, get ready to press 2 for English.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 9, 2010 09:55 AM


Demo-commie bastards!

Posted by: Anonymous at December 9, 2010 07:36 PM

Pelosi comes from a place where the indigenous nitwits want to honor PFC (Pederast 1st Class) Manning for selling out his country. Fortunately, her brand of BS-a-roni is heading for the burn bin come January 3rd. If people want to immigrate here, maybe the first thing they ought to learn how to do is obey our laws.

Posted by: Bob Mack at December 9, 2010 07:59 PM

Anonymous, they sure are!!!

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 9, 2010 11:51 PM

Bob Mack, I agree, too bad our elected on the left only want to disregard our laws and spit on them.

Posted by: Wild Thing at December 9, 2010 11:53 PM