Theodore's World: Stunning Allegations About Obama in New Book

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September 23, 2010

Stunning Allegations About Obama in New Book

Barack Obama To Bob Woodward This Past July: "We can absorb a terrorist attack. We'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger."

From Woodward's new book, quoted in the Washington Post.

Regarding Bob Woodward’s new book, “Obama’s Wars”

Bolton: Obama Is "Cold-Blooded, Cynical" And Manipulates National Security


"If the book is accurate ... it is some of the most cold-blooded, cynical, grotesquely political manipulation of national security that I think we've ever seen."
"The notion that a President would say that in that kind of callous and just utterly robotic way, I think is yet further indication that Obama is simply not qualified to be Commander-in-Chief," Bolton added.
"Obama is divorced from the American people, I think he is unemphatic, I think he is 'show that' and I think the American people have the wit to know what that means," Bolton concluded.

Barack Obama To Bob Woodward This Past July:

“We can absorb a terrorist attack. We’ll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger.”

…the left is pushing this idea that we can safely “absorb” many new 9/11′s with an eye towards getting us to “accept” the greater bargain they fatuously offer — peace, and a general wind-down of post-9/11 security “overreactions” like the FBI tracking Muslims suspected of terrorist ties. If only we didn’t overreact to the occasional mass-murder, we could go about our business without war, without increased security measures, without “Islamophobia,” without the rest of it.

The problem, you see, is primarily within us, those being targeted for murder. If only we understood that this was a good bargain in exchange for living in a multicultural country and global economy, then we could be good citizens of the world and not lash out so terribly and uselessly when some of the more aggressive proponents of multiculturalism blow up a few of our buildings.

Liz Cheney, daughter of former vice president Dick Cheney, said the remark "suggests an alarming fatalism on the part of President Obama and his administration."

Here's the full statement:

"Americans expect our President to do everything possible to defend the nation from attack. We expect him to use every tool at his disposal to find, defeat, capture and kill terrorists. We expect him to deter attacks by making clear to our adversaries that an attack on the United States will carry devastating consequences. Instead, President Obama is reported to have said, 'We can absorb a terrorist attack.' This comment suggests an alarming fatalism on the part of President Obama and his administration. Once again the President seems either unwilling or unable to do what it takes to keep this nation safe. The President owes the American people an explanation."


Wild Thing's comment........

Barack Obama To Bob Woodward This Past July: "We can absorb a terrorist attack. We'll do everything we can to prevent it, but even a 9/11, even the biggest attack ever . . . we absorbed it and we are stronger."

How ‘bout you “absorb” it Obama. We’ll watch!

What president in his right mind would say this to the American people ?!!!

Unbelievable that a President, a father, a husband would be prepared to absorb an attack rather than take a pre-emptive strike?????

We didn't "absorb" it. We kicked the sh** out of the people that were responsible (in Afghanistan).

Posted by Wild Thing at September 23, 2010 05:48 AM


Ahhh...I think he's already done that. the enemy has more rights that our Troops do.

Then he announced when he's going to pull the troops out. Why doesn't he just send a game plan to the Islamic morons to give them a blow by blow when and how ohama 's going to sneak out of Afghanistan.

Posted by: Mark at September 23, 2010 12:18 PM

John Bolton is great. I certainly hope he will have a seat at the table in the next administration.

Posted by: Jim at September 23, 2010 01:15 PM

Mark, yes the enemy sure does. That is unforgivable too the r.o.e.'s our troops have to be under.

Jim, I agree, ditto that!!!

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 24, 2010 01:14 AM