Theodore's World: We The People! ~This is a fantstic video!!!

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July 04, 2010

We The People! ~This is a fantstic video!!!



“We The People” have stated resolutely we reject your vision for our country. You claim you have not heard us.

“We The People” have assembled across America resisting your efforts to subvert our constitution and undermine our liberty. You claim you have not seen us.

Since you have not acknowledged our message, let us here present it once more for if as President Wilson said, “a leader’s ear must ring with the voices of the people,” the time has come.

Our greatest treasure is freedom – the absence of restraints on our ability to think and to act. The corollary of freedom is individual responsibility. We believe in the power of the individual.

A few years ago President Bush said, “History moves toward freedom because the desire for freedom is written in every human heart.” Let us add that we will preserve it only as long as devotion to freedom is expressed in the heart of our actions.

When President Lincoln dedicated Gettysburg National Cemetery he declared, “It is for us the living to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus so nobly advanced.”

That unfinished cause for which our soldiers willingly go to battle and for which so many have given their lives is a free United States of America. It has been nearly one hundred fifty years and the work President Lincoln spoke of is not finished. In fact, that work will never be finished.

Freedom is the capacity of self-determination. It is not an entity but a condition and conditions change. Freedom can expand, yet so can it contract.

You promised change when you took office, Mr. President, but subjugation is not change we wanted or will accept.

You have expanded government, violated our Constitution, confounded laws, seized private industry, destroyed jobs, perverted our economy, curtailed free speech, corrupted our currency, weakened our national security, and endangered our sovereignty.

By compromising our nation’s cultural, legal and economic institutions, you are ensuring that our children will never achieve the same quality of life as we enjoy today. Through generational theft you are robbing the unborn of opportunity.

This is not acceptable. Not in America. We did not become a strong nation through hope but rather through self-reliance.

No one better understands the relationship between individual achievement, dignity and strength than our armed forces. Through every war our soldiers have held this nation’s destiny in their hands. They have not failed us. They cherish freedom enough that they are willing to die for it.

Our duty to them and to ourselves is to treasure freedom enough to live up to it.

We accept the challenge, Mr. President. That is why we are assembling across the land to deliver our message to you as often and in every way we can. Dismiss us at your political peril.

Our great nation is a Republic. We will not accept tyranny under any guise. Your policy to redistribute the fruits of our labor is Statism and will not be tolerated.

By our honor, Mr. President, we vow forever to resist coercive government in America. Patriots will not stand silent as you attempt to dismantle the greatest nation on earth. “We The People” will defend our liberty. We will protect our beloved country and America’s exceptionalism will prevail.

God Bless the United States of America!


We The People


Wild Thing's comment......

This is really good!

Posted by Wild Thing at July 4, 2010 07:45 AM


If this doesn't bring tears to your eyes, then I, for one, question your knowledge of what this Nation is all about.

This says it all.

We as voters, need to take up this call to arms, and turn this Administration out, come November.
I'm in, are you?

Posted by: Sean at July 4, 2010 10:57 AM

Exactly! Remember in November... 2010 and 2012!

Posted by: Anonymous at July 4, 2010 01:17 PM

Yes, we want the freedom to think for ourselves and to win or lose on our own.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at July 4, 2010 03:09 PM

We better heed her words. Come November we had better vote like our very lives depended on it. It may be our last chance.

Posted by: Mark at July 4, 2010 05:40 PM

I'm in.....Good heavens, what are L. Graham and others thinking ?! DC bubble RINO!!!..'WE THE PEOPLE' (less the RINOS) RULE!!!! There is no other choice! Move now, and move with conviction!!

Posted by: jan at July 4, 2010 06:40 PM

God bless all of you and your loved ones.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 5, 2010 02:56 AM