Theodore's World: It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

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February 12, 2010

It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

It's ba-ack! Health-care plan redoubles 'marriage penalty'

Congressional proposals could penalize couples $10,000 for saying 'I do'


Bills pending in Congress that would nationalize health care by setting up mandatory insurance purchases and fines for not complying could penalize married couples $10,000 annually and are a direct attack on marriage, families and the church because of their discriminatory provisions, according to a congressional candidate.

"This is as awful, I will say evil ... this is as evil as it gets," Allen Quist, who is running to unseat Democrat Tim Walz in Minnesota's 1st congressional district, told WND.
Quist said the fine print of provisions still alive in both the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives deliberately create enormous pressure for couples to live together without marriage – or even get divorced – by charging married couples thousands of dollars more in premiums and fees.

"And it's deliberate," Quist added, "This is clearly not accidental."

"This is the most insidious attack on our country we have ever seen," Quist said earlier this week in an interview with David Barton of
"In fact you have government policies tearing apart marriage," he said. "Marriage is the foundation of society. It's the foundation of our government and to a large degree the basic unit in the church. [The policy] undermines the church's teaching and undermines church structure.
"It weakens the family. It weakens the church, and it weakens our country," he said.

Marriage penalty

The Democrats' health care legislation essentially would restore the old "marriage penalty," Quist said. Under the U.S. Tax Code for many years, people who were married and had two incomes paid income tax on the second income that started at the highest rate for taxes on the first income.

A husband's first $5,000 in income was taxed at the same – or next higher rate – as the wife's highest $5,000 in income in a year.

However, if the two people were living together without marriage, the incomes were separate, and the second income would be taxed starting at the lowest rate of the tax table.

For a married couple with the same approximate income, the tab would be about $12,000.

It would hit young married couples hard and even would bite back at empty-nesters whose children have moved away from home, he said.

Wild Thing's comment.......

The communists must destroy the family and faith. The self-demonization of the Dems needs to be over the top before it's enough.


....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Posted by Wild Thing at February 12, 2010 02:49 AM


This is one reason we should have a flat tax, or a consumption tax or a fair tax.

Posted by: TomR at February 12, 2010 11:26 AM

Tom, I agree soooo much. I have wanted that for such a long time.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 12, 2010 05:48 PM

This is another codified attack on the institution of Marriage. Another nail in the coffin of the once great American Family. This is what the whole idea of obama is destroy the Country and start with the strongest unit, the family.

Posted by: Mark at February 12, 2010 06:45 PM