Theodore's World: Obama's ' 9/11 Plan' : Blast 'right-wing' Terror

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September 05, 2009

Obama's ' 9/11 Plan' : Blast 'right-wing' Terror

Democrats' 9/11 plan: Blast 'right-wing' terror


The Democrats, whose presidential administration previously condemned as "potential terrorists" those who oppose same-sex marriage and are offended by restrictions on firearms, all based on Internet chatter, has suggested blasting those who oppose Obamacare as "right-wing domestic terrorists" on 9/11 of this year.

According to an "Organizing for America" campaign document unveiled by the Heritage Foundation the plan involves having activists telephone their "State Senators" on Sept. 11, 2009, to demand a "public option" which essentially would involve a government-funded and government-run monopoly on health care.

Bobby Eberle, posting on a Republican Party site called The Loft, said Obama "and his team have no limits on what they will do or say in order to inject socialist views into the minds of Americans.

"They also have absolutely no respect or appreciation for the American way and the sacrifices Americans have made in order to stay free and to promote the American way of life across the globe. Just take the latest effort being pitched at Rather than remembering the Americans who lost their lives during the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, Obama's political team wants you to make phone calls on 9/11 to fight back against 'Right-Wing Domestic Terrorists,'" Eberle documented.
"September 11 should be a day to grieve and remember, not a day to lobby for government-run healthcare. It certainly should not be a day to demonize fellow Americans. America's enemies are violent extremists, bent on bring this nation to its knees, not soccer moms, dads and senior citizens who may disagree with one's political or policy views."
Continued Eberle, "This is absolutely outrageous, and this is exactly what was written on Obama and his team are using all means to get out their message on health care ... even resorting to spamming e-mail messages. Yet, when the opposition tries to get its message out, that is labeled as 'subverting the American democratic process.' This is crazy!"
But he said the bigger trouble was comparing conservatives opposed to Obama's health takeover to members of al-Qaida who flew planes into buildings and killed thousands.
"Do Obama and his 'friends' have no shame?" he asked.
The complete lack of comprehension to what the events of 9-11-2001 did to this country makes me sick. I was there! I saw Flight 77 hit the Pentagon. People died. And this is how Obama and his supporters remember them? Outrageous!


Wild Thing's comment.........

These people are so out of touch with reality. What horrible people Obama and his Orangizing America people are.....evil.
There really is nothing they respect nor do they even care that people were killed on 9-11.

....Thank you Mark for sending this to me.

3rd Mar.Div. 1st Battalion 9th Marine Regiment
1/9 Marines aka The Walking Dead
VN 66-67

Posted by Wild Thing at September 5, 2009 04:47 AM


Now that we know about it we can lobby against 'Public Option'. Screw these bastards.

Since they consider us Domestic Terrorists, we should give them something to flooding their phone lines, internet sites and E-mail.

Humph...that would be mild for domestic Terrorists.

Posted by: Mark at September 5, 2009 09:11 AM

obama is also going to commemorate Sep 11 by announcing fundig for and a terrific build up of AmeriCorps. This is probably the base for his prmised national security force.

obama has no shame for his lack of patriotism. He never showed remorse for not properly saluting the US flag during the National Anthem. He may even privately celebrate the 9-11 attacks, I don't know.

Posted by: TomR at September 5, 2009 02:23 PM

Mark, yes it would be mild.

No president acted like obama does,
says threats like he does etc. He
sure is good at one thing, how to
make people like me hate his guts.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 5, 2009 04:16 PM

Tom,your so right, he has no shame at all.
The last place this obama guy should be is
holding any government office in our country.

Posted by: Wild Thing at September 5, 2009 04:18 PM