Theodore's World: Oregon Says No to Chemo and Yes to Assisted Suicide

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August 22, 2009

Oregon Says No to Chemo and Yes to Assisted Suicide

The Oregon Health Care Plan for retirees has limited dollars for its members. Here is it’s answer to providing cancer treatment or drugs to a retiree with cancer;

NO to treatment or drugs but YES to Doctor Assisted Suicide. You have to go to this web site to see and hear for yourself.

It doesn’t take much for assisted suicide to go from a humane option to a cost-saving device, especially when the state pays for the medical care. One patient in Oregon got a letter that made this all too clear, when in the same letter rejecting her request for life-extending chemotherapy, Oregon offered her “physician-aid-in-dying”. In other words, Oregon offered their customer a heapin’ helping of death:

Wild Thing's comment.......

This is so evil, vile and horrifying I have a hard time believing it is happening in our country. I see it is from things like this, but it is just so shocking.

It this can happen in Oregon then it could happen under the ObamaCare Health Care Plan. This is why we have to keep up the pressure to keep government out of health care.

Dear Lord,
Have mercy on us all!

.....Thank you Richard for sending this to me.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 05:44 AM


If chemo can save my life, let me have it. I'd rather have all the icky side effects than ask some doctor to give me a pill or injection that will kill me. I need to have all the facts though. If I were ever to be diagnosed with cancer (Thank the good Lord I haven't been so far), I will want to go to one of the Cancer Treatment Centers of America where they treat the whole person-physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, nutritiously. I want to be around for a long time. I don't want someone making that choice for me. It's my one life and I deserve to make it as good and as long as I see fit and only God can choose my day and time of death.

Posted by: Lynn at August 22, 2009 07:07 AM

Abortions and Euthanasia. On the two extremes of life. Infants and the old, they have no problem getting rid of these people. How have we reached this point. But the death penalty is out of the question.

The left has cheapened life to the point that some of these doctors, like the one shown in the video could care less about the patient, just get rid of them and save the cost for the STATE.

There is nothing positive from this administration, it's about negatives, it's all about subjugating the people and removing any form of freedom all for the glory of a few.

Posted by: Mark at August 22, 2009 08:00 AM

This is not new for Oregon - I remember my daughter's pediatrician speaking of this sort of thing happening way back in the early 90's. He used the word "murder" in regard to the case he cited and said he would retire before any government official told him how to treat his patients.

Posted by: yankeemom at August 22, 2009 09:21 AM

Lynn, I agree, it is our life and we should
be allowed to say we want a treatment and
get it too.
I had no idea this was happening.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 07:49 PM

Mark, your right, and once that cheapening
of life begins it seems like it never
gets turned around.

"The left has cheapened life to the point that some of these doctors, like the one shown in the video could care less about the patient"

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 07:53 PM

Yankeemom, wow, thank you for the
information. I had no clue this was
going on in our country.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 22, 2009 07:58 PM