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August 04, 2009


Wild Thing's comment........

ROTFLMAO this is hilarious!

......Thank you RAC for sending this to me.

RAC has a website that is awesome. 336th Assault Helicopter Company

13th Combat Aviation Battalion - 1st Aviation Brigade - Soc Trang, Republic of Vietnam

Posted by Wild Thing at August 4, 2009 04:55 AM


Finding the Kenyan BC sheds a whole new light on this.

Last night O'rielly said, it is a waste of time for Republicans to get involved in this. According to Mr. O or that may be Zero, He did and investigation and found credible evidence that obama is a citizen.

So I went to Mr. Zero's website and searched for
'his' investigation, there was none to be found. IF his investigation is so upright and credible why not make it public ? He claims to be looking out for the "Folks", but he is another self-serving pompus condescending son of a bitch like the rest of those nitwits, who claim to be for America, but can offer no proof that they really care. He is so concerned about the "Folks" how come nothing has changed and the "Folks" are still taking it up the back.

O'reilly, pays us, the "Folks" lip service more like the lecherous politicians ala Siebelus or a Spector, he so dispsies.

So last night he spent the first 20 minutes trashing Republicans for looking into obama's BC.

Posted by: Mark at August 4, 2009 07:45 AM

This had me cracking up!! BO has more 'transparency' than OB does! At least his shit is laid out on the White House Lawn for all to see......

Posted by: pontiff alex at August 4, 2009 12:21 PM

That was funny indeed.

Posted by: Bob A at August 4, 2009 02:26 PM

I adore you Chrissie!

Posted by: SondraK at August 5, 2009 01:47 AM