Theodore's World: Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid: taxes are voluntary in America

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February 02, 2009

Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid: taxes are voluntary in America

Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid: taxes are voluntary in America

This man is a U.S. SENATOR... In fact he is the Majority Leader! This has got to be seen and heard to be believed!

Wild Thing's comment........

The tax system is about as “voluntary” as pulling over to the side of the road when you see flashing blue and red lights in your rearview mirror.

Between this video and the one I posted awhile back where Harry Reid said " coal is evil". How the heck do people keep voting for this total idiot.

......Thank you SSGT Steve

SSGT Steve Gaston, USMC
Big D Detachment

Posted by Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 04:47 AM


My Comment on YouTube: HUH? A Voluntarily Mandatory Tax System? Tom Jefferson once said about congress "That a hundred lawyers doing business together ought not to be expexted" and now we have 535 of them. Thomas must be spinning in his grave.

Posted by: JohnE PFC U.S. Army at February 2, 2009 06:02 AM

Well of course taxes are voluntary....just ask Daschle and T. Geithner!!! Oh ya.....and how about the millions of illegal aliens who don't pay taxes or the millions of "free loading" Liberal Americans who don't pay taxes?!?!?! Yet they are all first in line at the Welfare Departments!!!!!

This just once again proves what an idiot Reid truly is!!! And by the way, here is a brakdown of IQ ratings:

IQ Score Traditional Ranking System
145 or higher Genius
130 - 144 Gifted
125 - 129 Superior
115 - 124 High Average
100 – 114 Average/Normal
85 – 99 Dull Normal
70 – 84 Borderline
55 – 69 Moron
40 – 54 Imbecile
25 – 39 Severely Challenged
1 – 24 Idiot

Maybe I'm giving Reid too much credit when I call him an Idiot!!!!! Sad thing is, he isn't alone in either the House or the Senate....or the Presidency!!!!!!!

If taxes are truly voluntary as Reid says, then why don't we all just not pay them this year. Let's see how far their Stimulus Package goes then!!!!

God help us all!!!!!!!!

Posted by: John at February 2, 2009 07:53 AM

Voluntary? That's why DEMS don't PAY their taxes!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at February 2, 2009 09:50 AM

Reid is nuts. What are the people of Nevada thinking by electing this guy. I guess all those gamblers and drunks in Las Vegas and Reno have a warped sense of humor. Or maybe Reid is a stooge for the Mob.

Posted by: TomR at February 2, 2009 10:14 AM

Isn't it amazing how they re-write and re-interpret the rules when it is someone on their side who has not paid their taxes or caught in some illegal behavior ?

Harry the idiot Reid says, 'its voluntary'(???) and Hairplug Biden says, 'paying taxes is Patriotic.' These whusses are the biggest bunch of liars, Blago looks like a Prima Donna compared to this bunch.

Come April 15 lets all not pay our taxes and tell the IRS paying taxes is voluntary. I am not going to pay them this year. Tell that to the IRS and see what happens. They will go to your bank and put a freeze on your account and take what is there. Then if there isn't enough there they will haul yer ass into court to get the rest. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, to prove it.

Voluntary for the 'elite' maybe like Tom 'Malcomb' Dashle and Harry 'the idiot' Reid but not 'fo da common folk.' This is so much Bullshit I can't believe it. Worst of all where are the Republicans leaders screaming, hey since when is paying taxes Voluntary.

Where are the Republican Leaders standing up for the real Americans who work every day and HAVE to pay their taxes.

We are in deep shit.

Posted by: Mark at February 2, 2009 11:08 AM

If it's voluntary why is it an extorted tax and why are IRS agents auditing the worker? I suppose it's voluntary if you are the recipient of Welfare where you can get earned income credits just for being on the dole.
Obviously Searchlight Reid has never been audited by the IRS where they require that you produce the past 7 years of tax returns then try to badger you into making a mistake on tape in their gulag offices. Did I mention the accusations of fraud that they'll use to open their case back beyond the statute of limitations. Been there. I keep records going back over 40 years due to that audit, a real PIA.
Sure you can avoid paying taxes voluntarily but I can attest to the fact that in the beginning of that 4th year all hell is going to break loose as it did for all my co-workers at the time, I just happened to be in their targeted group. They had used things like filing 12 to 20 dependents on their W4, some never even filled out a W4, using a 'free man' declaration, others scammed by using living trusts while others used "pastorial" status, filing as heads of their own religious group, some invested in bogus securities and offshore entities - real or not - illegally. Some even used false SS numbers and aliases on filed W4's with the employer. The heat came down at the end of three years and the court summons followed in the spring of the fourth year. One is still in prison after 25 years, he was a ringleader and got special government treatment to deter the others back under Jimmah's administration, he hid out in Costa Rica for 4 years but was caught in Sherman Oaks, CA visiting his brother. Another man, Peter, has been on the lam in Australia since 1979, he married to an Aussie national in order to stay there, his crime was being the father in the Church of Peter, with some $400k in taxes and fines assessed in 1980 dollars.
Now, I'm not against filing a deferred 1040 to reflect my displeasure with the rip off going on but it has to be done within the legal framework. Dropping out totally would take total grass roots support in a nation that would rather belly up to the trough than stand on principals. Sorry Mark, they are truly heartless bastards and not one Republican 'representative' has voiced a peep to call them on the lie. the Reid-Pelosi Plan

Posted by: Jack at February 2, 2009 11:58 AM

Aren't they acting a wee bit like Leona Helmsley? Only little people pay taxes? Leona had to go to jail. Any one of us "normal" folks would go to jail. I think anyone who does not pay their taxes on purpose should go to jail, not be given some 6 figure a year cushy job paid for by my tax dollars!

Posted by: Lynn at February 2, 2009 06:32 PM

JohnE PFC U.S. Army, good one.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:12 PM

John, yes after Daschle and T. Geithner and now Reid I guess we should say we are not paying and then just say ooops. hahaha What a bunch of corrupt people they are.

LOL Thanks, I bet Reid is low on that IQ list.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:15 PM

Darth, oh yesss taxes are Voluntary. And here all this time I thought otherwise, shows how I fell for that one. haha

Reid is an idiot.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:18 PM

Tom, I agree, I think the people there that vote for this jerk are stupid. They must only care about the gambling.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:19 PM

Mark, good point. Yes if they do not like a law or anything else they just re-write it or don't obey it and they keep getting away with the things they do.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:21 PM

Jack, exactly, so much for voluntary. And all the property they have taken when a person is behind. I remember a few years ago the hearings, IRS hearings and the many stories, nightmare stories.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:24 PM

Lynn, haha good, one, yes they sure are. I had forgotten about her.

Posted by: Wild Thing at February 2, 2009 11:25 PM