Theodore's World: Obama:'Look At My Deeds'..That I Didn't Actually Do

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July 24, 2008

Obama:'Look At My Deeds'..That I Didn't Actually Do

Obama, saying that the Senate Banking Committee — “which is my committee,” he says — passed some bill about something. Problem is, he’s not actually on the Senate Banking Committee at all.

Obama: 'Look At My Deeds'... That I Didn't Actually Do


Obama in Israel:

by Jim Geraghty

"Now, in terms of knowing my commitments, you don't have to just look at my words, you can look at my deeds. Just this past week, we passed out of the U.S. Senate Banking Committee, which is my committee, a bill to call for divestment from Iran, as a way of ratcheting up the pressure to ensure that they don't obtain a nuclear weapon. "

I was going to say that Obama's statement that the Senate Banking Committee is "my committee" wasn't that big a deal, and not that surprising from a man who told Bibi Netanyahu that he was about ready to "fall sleep standing up." But he did say in the immediate preceding sentence, "Now, in terms of knowing my commitments, you don't have to just look at my words, you can look at my deeds."

In this case, Obama's words are wrong, and "his deeds" don't actually include voting for this bill. He had no role in the "passage" of this legislation.

I don't think it is wise for Obama to try this stuff in front of the Israelis.

UPDATE: The Obama defense: the bill that passed included provisions that match legislation he introduced last year. The problem is, that doesn't explain the "we" and the "which is my committee."

Wild Thing's comment........

Whew Obama sure is a piece of work, or non work. haaha Little by little some in the media are a tiny bit getting enough of this communist Obama.

Something to think about regarding B. Hussein Obama. The MAJORITY of this man’s public life has been engaged in running for the next level up the ladder...seriously. So I’m thinking...he’ll spend four years running for Emperor of the New World Order?

Posted by Wild Thing at July 24, 2008 04:50 AM


Obama has no hesitation to tell a lie. He has no conscience or moral base. He also has minimal to no worries that the MSM will point out any of his lies or gaffes.

Once he says something it is taken a fact and not questioned. Even when he totally contradicts himself later, the new lie is not questioned against his previous statement. Obama is getting a free ride. Only good blogs like this one and conservative radio are pointing out the dishonesty of Obama.

Posted by: TomR at July 24, 2008 11:37 AM

'You would be perfect for the job if you were the person described on your resumé.'

Most hiring firms do a backround check, involving reference checks, credit histories, education and professional background verifications, psychometric testing, medical and fitness evaluations, police records reviews, drug and alcohol screens, and immigration and terrorism clearances.

Resumé padding is frowned upon and has even caused some high profile dismissals once discovered, but Obama is all above this with a rubber stamped endorsement from the Democrat party, the major media and his minions. Since he flew into a combat zone maybe the new Congress will see fit to grant the zebra a medal, perhaps the CMOH, since he walks on water. This current tour is to pad that phony resumé. Herr Hagel has got his rear!!! Or is his rear????

Posted by: Jack at July 24, 2008 12:56 PM


Posted by: Cheryl Zee at July 24, 2008 06:29 PM

Of course he didn't do all that stuff! They can't even find his senior thesis from Harvard. How do we know he actually went there? How do we know he actually passed the bar? He hasn't done one damn thing worth a pinch of piss in a hurricane!
He just wants the job for the prestige, the money, the book and movie deals about his life.
He's a certifiable immature child who has to have everything his way or there's no tomorrow. Anyone remember Star Trek the Motion Picture from 1979? Vger threw a temper tantrum and almost destroyed Earth! Do we want Vger at the helm? I don't think so, Scooter.

Posted by: Lynn at July 24, 2008 07:50 PM


"Once he says something it is taken a fact and not questioned. Even when he totally contradicts himself later"...... that is so true how it has been. And the media is so obvious about it that I can't stopped being shocked at how they are all out for Obama and bash McCain. They don't just do news anymore. it is all slanted all of it.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 24, 2008 08:01 PM

Jack, omg a medal. Help us!!!

Hagel........ LMAO

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 24, 2008 08:03 PM

Cheryl, I am too. I guess we won't ever see it, but I am still hoping Hillary will come running down the isle at the DNC convention with the real birth certificate of Obama in her democrat hand. hahahaha

There has just got to be something to all of this about the certificate.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 24, 2008 08:06 PM

Lynn, oh yesss we are still waiting to see his senior thesis. Good one pointing that out Lynn.
This is supposed to be a time when all is exposed for better or worse, not hidden away till after Nov.

Posted by: Wild Thing at July 24, 2008 08:08 PM

Here we go again with another NY SLIMES Jason Blair reincarnation of lies, misinformation and treason!

Posted by: 2bornot2b? at July 25, 2008 12:21 AM