Theodore's World: The World Of Bin Laden - A BIG No Thank You From Me

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December 15, 2005

The World Of Bin Laden - A BIG No Thank You From Me

Osama's Demands...

Hmmmm.......found HERE
Osama bin Laden wants the United States to convert to Islam, ditch its constitution, abolish banks, jail homosexuals and sign the Kyoto climate change treaty.

The first complete collection of the Saudi's statements published today portrays a world in which Islam's enemies will take the first steps towards salvation by embracing the "religion of all the Prophets".

Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama bin Laden is billed as the first accurate compendium of the terrorist leader's words, threats and ruminations from 1994 to 2004.
Its editors have rooted out many statements which they identified as forgeries and retranslated to correct "horrendous" errors.
His terms for America's surrender appeared after the September 2001 suicide attacks and include demands that amount to the abandonment of much of western life.
Alcohol and gambling would be barred and there would be an end to women's photos in newspapers or advertising.
Any woman serving "passengers, visitors and strangers", presumably anyone from air stewardesses to waitresses, would also be out of a job.
The West must "stop your oppression, lies, immorality and debauchery that has spread among you" and has become the "worst civilization witnessed in the history of mankind".
The publisher Verso said it expected criticism for releasing the thoughts of a terrorist but denied that the volume would be the jihads' equivalent of Mien Kampf...

Wild Thing's comment...............
OK Now Osama you are going to get Wild Thing's response! And then I send in the troops to
take you out if you get my drift! Forget taking you prisoner this is WAR!

Ditch our Constitution???? BITE ME Osama!

Abolish banks? Hey after I memorized my PIN number you are going to mess with me???? I think NOT you jerk!

Jail Homosexuals? Excuse me Osama, you might want to think about all your boys that are waiting for their so called dirty old man you!

Sign the Kyoto climate change treaty??? Hey Osama, during one of our many hurricanes here in Florida the weather man said..." every 15 years we have a heavy amount of hurricanes." NOW THAT alone should prove you wrong with your idiotic climate treaty.  But you might like to try one of those Japanese restaurants that might be in Kyoto!

Alcohol and gambling would be barred ...........You mean NO Champagne? waaa what about on my birthday or when it is my husbands and my anniversary? 

No gambling? But it is fun sometimes to go to Las Vegas. I bet you are even against playing Free Cell on the computer. waaaaaa again


.....and women's photos in newspapers or advertising. Now Osama that is silly. There is nothing wrong with having women advertising things in magazines and newspapers and other things you seem women pictured. Grow the fuck up Osama!

Any woman serving "passengers, visitors and strangers", presumably anyone from air stewardesses to waitresses, would also be out of a job. Dear Me.......what about Hooters all those girls out of work.


The West must "stop your oppression...... Excuzzzzse me Osama. If anyone is oppressed it is the women that live under your BS!


"stop the lies, immorality and debauchery that has 
spread among you" and has become the "worst civilization witnessed in the history of mankind". 
Well now look there is nothing I can do about the DemocRATS!  Even you can't fix that one you freak!

Naw! Just pulling your turbin Osama. You are pathetic, did you know that? Yep! 

Well I had my fun........say Goodnight Osama! Your days are numbered! Looking forward to the  last breath you take, gasping for air and life leaves your body!

- Wild Thing

Posted by Wild Thing at December 15, 2005 12:58 PM

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