Theodore's World: Clinton to Israel: "Put some ice on it"....

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November 15, 2005

Clinton to Israel: "Put some ice on it"....

Bill Clinton to Israel: Iran No Threat
Article from NewsMax

Ex-president Bill Clinton urged Israelis over the weekend not to overreact to comments by newly elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recommending that Israel be "wiped off the map."

Speaking at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on Saturday, Clinton acknowledged that the remark was "outrageous," but he cautioned that the Iranian leader was "not elected because of his hatred for Israel or the West."

"He was elected because of the economic distress of ordinary Iranians, and which he promised to relieve by giving them financial assistance," Clinton explained, according to the Jerusalem Post.

He warned Israel not to act unilaterally when reacting to terrorist threats, saying that "true peace and security can only come through principled compromise."

Clinton urged Israelis to "organize their politics" so "their search for peace can continue" regardless of domestic policies.

On Oct. 27, President Ahmadinejad told a "World Without Zionism" conference that Israel is a "disgraceful blot" on the Middle East that should be "wiped off the map."

Wild Thing's comment...........
First of all we already know that Bill and Hillary are anti-semites!
Biographer Jerry Oppenheimer’s book STATE OF A UNION: INSIDE THE COMPLEX MARRIAGE OF BILL AND Hillary CLINTON …In one particularly shocking passage in the book, Oppenheimer quotes a campaign official who describes an angry attack by Hillary in which she screams at him, "You fucking Jew bastard!"
Two sourced eyewitnesses confirmed to Oppenheimer that they heard the verbal assault.

And who the hell wants to hear advice from the man who saw the '93 bombing of the WTC, as just some silly crime, that should be handled by the N.Y.C. cops and then forgotten, who refused to take OBL, THRICE, when offered up on a silver platter, virtually ignored every scrap of evidence that terrorist/al Qaeda members were blowing up and killing people all over the world, ignored the warning about the bombing of the USS Cole, etc.

Posted by Wild Thing at November 15, 2005 01:09 AM

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