Theodore's World: The Strange Woman (1946)...Film Noir

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December 30, 2019

The Strange Woman (1946)...Film Noir

The Strange Woman (1946)

"The Strange Woman" is an American film directed by Edgar G. Ulmer, starring Hedy Lamarr, and released by United Artists. An unscrupulous 19th-century woman will stop at nothing to control the men in her life.


Directed by Edgar G. Ulmer, produced by Jack Chertok (producer), Hedy Lamarr (executive producer), Eugen Schüfftan (producer) and Hunt Stromberg (executive producer), written by Ben Ames Williams (novel), Herb Meadow (screenplay), Hunt Stromberg (writer) and Edgar G. Ulmer (writer), starring Hedy Lamarr as Jenny Hager, George Sanders as John Evered, Louis Hayward as Ephraim Poster, Hillary Brooke as Meg Saladine and Gene Lockhart as Isaiah Poster.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 30, 2019 11:55 PM

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