Theodore's World: Judge Jeanine's Opening Statement On Ebola & She's Mad As Hell!

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October 05, 2014

Judge Jeanine's Opening Statement On Ebola & She's Mad As Hell!

Judge Jeanine's Opening Statement On Ebola & She's Mad As Hell!

Judge Jeanine Opening Statement: 'NO ONE Should Be Allowed to Enter the United States From ANY West African Nation Ravaged By Ebola

"At a certain point, YOU take priority over everyone else in the world. When it comes the health and security of your family and my family, everyone else takes a back seat!"

Wild Thing's comment..............

And Obama won't do one thing that would be necessary to protect the citizens of our country.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 5, 2014 12:55 AM


Prez Obola wants an epidemic to occur so he can declare Marshall Law... VOTE in 30 days!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at October 5, 2014 05:39 AM

Obola in Chief wants Marshall Law.... In 30 days VOTE!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at October 5, 2014 05:43 AM

She's right on the money. And also, this is occurring in Dallas where Illegals are funneled though daily on their way to all parts of the US.

No army in the world could defeat our nation but a virus just may do it.

Posted by: BobF at October 5, 2014 07:48 AM

obama is trying to fill America up with muslims and Africans. Yep, he's working hard to fundamentally change us. I hate the Marxist muslim racist gay bastard.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at October 5, 2014 02:32 PM