Theodore's World: Because Obamacare is NOT Affordable...Pelosi: You Must Say “Affordable, Affordable, AFFORDABLE!!!”

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March 22, 2014

Because Obamacare is NOT Affordable...Pelosi: You Must Say “Affordable, Affordable, AFFORDABLE!!!”

Pelosi: You Must Say “Affordable, Affordable, AFFORDABLE!!!”

We reported on Pelosi dressing down a reporter who dared call Obamacare, “Obamacare” instead of the Affordable Care Act. But the video itself is priceless as Pelosi, in typical crazy fashion, repeats “Affordable” over and over again, as though saying it would make it so.

Click your heels three times while facing west, and it will still be the most UnAffordable Uncaring Act ever passed.

Wild Thing's comment...........

LOL just keep telling lies Nancy, there will always be low intelligence voters that will believe you.

Posted by Wild Thing at March 22, 2014 12:45 AM