Theodore's World: Obama Threatens Gov.'s ...Gov. Rick Perry: “I was troubled today by the tone of the president…” - Obama Met with National Governors Association

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February 25, 2014

Obama Threatens Gov.'s ...Gov. Rick Perry: “I was troubled today by the tone of the president…” - Obama Met with National Governors Association

Rick Perry admitted today that he was very troubled by Obama’s tone today addressing the National Governors Association:

I don’t mind telling you I was a bit troubled today by the tone of the president. …For the president of the United States to look Democrat and Republican governors in the eye and to say ‘I do not trust you to make decisions in your state about issues of education, about transportation infrastructure…’ – that is really troubling.
....there is more on the video above.

The Governors were threatened by our President. Yes, Gov. Rick Perry said he was troubled, in a rather polite take on the meeting, but the details he went into after that rather polite take on the meeting literally chilled me to the bone. According to Gov. Haley's take, he also told them they no longer have a say in how higher education or the National Guard is handled in their state. The a'hole said "you've been asking for cuts, well you got them"

Wild Thing's comment............

This is VERY concerning and scary what could happen.

To threaten 50 Governors, Republican and Democrat has got to be one of the dumbest moves yet. And you can tell that Gov. Perry was couching his words. Gov. Nikki Haley nodding really reinforced the power, and the severeness of his statements.

Posted by Wild Thing at February 25, 2014 12:55 AM


This nation must go back to being a Constitutional Republic where the Federal Government is subservient to the States. Today the Feds are supreme lord and masters over the states and it was never designed to be that way.

Posted by: BobF at February 25, 2014 08:45 AM

Those are two great governors. It would be so great to see them as a team in the White House.

I think obama has now gone completely power mad. He is no longer even pretending there is a balance of power with the states or with the other two branches of govt. obama is on one man rule now and to hell with anyone/everyone who disagrees with him. The next three years are going to be very rocky and a lot will depend on November's elections.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at February 25, 2014 12:28 PM