Theodore's World: 38 Obamacare navigators in NM appeared on FBI Crime database

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January 17, 2014

38 Obamacare navigators in NM appeared on FBI Crime database

38 Obamacare navigators in NM appeared on FBI Crime database

An investigation by the National Review, one of the leading conservative media outlets in the country, reports that one in seven navigators in New Mexico hired to help consumers work their way through the Affordable Care Act appeared on the FBI’s National Crime Information Center database.

But an official with the state’s Affordable Care Act Implementation Projects emphasizes that while a person’s name may turn up on the FBI database, it does not mean they pose any risk to consumers and says the navigators have been properly vetted.

According to the story, 38 New Mexico health-care guides or certified application counselors received their certification to deal with consumers working their way through what’s colloquially called “Obamacare,” even though their names matched the FBI database. The National Review’s inspection could not determine how many of the 38 navigators had actually been convicted of a crime.

Wild Thing's comment................

This kind of thing always shocks me. How people hire and allow a person like these 38 ( and we have heard this several times so it is happening a lot with Obamacare) to work with things of highly private matters like citizens identity. Making it so easy to commit identity theft.

Posted by Wild Thing at January 17, 2014 12:45 AM


Former ACORN staffers.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at January 17, 2014 11:45 AM