Theodore's World: Obama and His Administration Condemns Israel For Building New Homes In Jerusalem

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October 31, 2013

Obama and His Administration Condemns Israel For Building New Homes In Jerusalem

Obama admin. Condemns Israel For Building New Homes In Jerusalem…

Imagine if someone condemned us for building homes in Washington, DC?

US State Department Spokesperson Jen Psaki responded Wednesday to Israel’s announcement of building 1,500 units in east Jerusalem saying “We do not consider continued settlement activity or east Jerusalem construction to be steps that create a positive environment for the negotiations.”

At no time in the course of pursuing negotiations toward a two-state solution have we condoned settlement activity or east Jerusalem construction,” she added.

Psaki stressed the importance of the peace talks and the need to resolve the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. She added that releasing prisoners is a difficult but necessary step to guarantee an agreement.

The State Department Spokesperson also addressed prisoner release, saying it "is a difficult but necessary step to help ensure the success of talks. There are steps that have been taken by both sides in that regard. The talks are continuing, and they – both sides remain committed to the nine-month time frame."

She noted that US Secretary of State John Kerry "has expressed his concerns and his issue with settlements and construction in east Jerusalem on many times in the past to Prime Minister Netanyahu, and I'm sure he will in the future, as well. But the reason why we want to have talks and the reason why it's so important they move forward is to resolve these types of issues."

As for the progress of the negotiations, she said there was "certainly is a difference than where we were a couple of years ago."

Wild Thing's comment.............

Obama and his people are all the same, they hate Israel. I sure hope Bibi knows and understands it is not how most of us feel about Israel.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 31, 2013 12:45 AM