Theodore's World: Decorated Wounded Marine Treated “Shamefully” By TSA

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July 08, 2013

Decorated Wounded Marine Treated “Shamefully” By TSA

Decorated Wounded Marine Treated “Shamefully” By TSA

Military Times

Wearing the uniform of the Few and Proud doesn’t rate preferential treatment from the Transportation Security Administration or California capitol security officers, retired Marine Cpl. Nathan Kemnitz recently found.

Kemnitz, severely injured in 2004 in a roadside bomb attack in Fallujah, has limited use of his right arm and cannot lift it above his head. So when security guards at the state capitol building in Sacramento, Calif., asked him to remove his dress blue blouse “because he was wearing too much metal,” and TSA asked him to raise his arms above his head for the full-body scanner at Sacramento International Airport, he could not comply.

“My right arm doesn’t work. It’s a lot of hassle for me to do that,” Kemntiz said.

At the state capitol, the Marine’s refusal to remove his uniform top grew into a heated exchange between Kemnitz, a friend who was accompanying him and security officers.

At the airport, bystanders stared as the TSA security screener looked under Kemnitz’s medals, ran his hands under the Marine’s waistband and swabbed his shoes for explosives.

“What does a uniform and heroism represent if our own citizens — in this case employees of the TSA and security personnel — have no regard for them?” wrote Kemnitz’s escort, Patricia Martin, to Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki following the incidents.

Martin took photos and disseminated them to family, friends and members of the media.

Wild Thing's comment.................

These people are brain dead as far as being worth the job they have. They are power hungry jerks.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 8, 2013 12:55 AM


Look how the TSA harassed Joe Foss, retired USMC General, Medal of Honor recipient, and former governor of South Dakota.

Posted by: BobF at July 8, 2013 08:39 AM

George W Bush prohibited religious profiling and obama certainly continues that policy. So muslims get a free magic carpet ride while Marines and handicapped kids get gropped. Just an ignorant cowardly PC bend over to islam.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at July 8, 2013 10:57 AM