Theodore's World: Abortion (baby killing) Clinic Tells Mother To Flush Baby Born Alive Down The Toilet

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April 29, 2013

Abortion (baby killing) Clinic Tells Mother To Flush Baby Born Alive Down The Toilet

Abortion Clinic Tells Mother To Flush Baby Born Alive Down The Toilet

The pro-life group Live Action today released an undercover video of an abortion counselor at a clinic describing, in gruesome details, what is done with a baby that survives an abortion attempt. This is the first in a series of videos Live Action will release videos , found at, that will show a number of late-term abortion clinics engaging in illegal and inhuman practices, as well as explaining in explicit detail what happens to the victims of late-term abortion.

“Dr. Kermit Gosnell is not an aberration, ” said Lila Rose, Founder and President of Live Action. “The gruesome and brutal practices exposed in Gosnell’s ‘House of Horrors’ are business as usual for the abortion industry in America. Nationwide, it’s just another day at the office.”

In the video, the abortion counselor is caught on tape describing, in gruesomely precise terms, how late-term abortions happen. She details what is done with a baby after the abortion and advises to “flush” the baby down the toilet if he or she is delivered at home before the final stage of the two- or three-day abortion procedure.

“If it comes out, then it comes out. Flush it. … if anything, you know, put it in a bag or something or somewhere and bring it to us.”

When Live Action’s undercover investigator asks what happens to the baby after the abortion – or what the clinic would do if, after the abortion, the baby is moving – the counselor says:

“If it did come out in one piece, it’s very small. So they would still have to put it in a container – like, a jar – with solution and send it to the lab.”

Wild Thing's comment...............

Murderers and Obama voted for this 3 times when he was Senator.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 29, 2013 01:40 AM


Evil. Sick. Amoral. Criminal.

Posted by: TomR,armed in Texas at April 29, 2013 10:03 AM