Theodore's World: Byron York: Jim DeMint Told Me, Had We Won the Senate and Romney Were President, ‘It Would Be a Different Question Altogether’

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December 08, 2012

Byron York: Jim DeMint Told Me, Had We Won the Senate and Romney Were President, ‘It Would Be a Different Question Altogether’

Byron York: Jim DeMint Told Me, Had We Won the Senate and Romney Were President, ‘It Would Be a Different Question Altogether’


“It shocked me. (Demint leaving Senate) This is what happens when parties lose, when it doesn’t look good. They picked up all of the seats in the Senate in 2010, went backward in 2012, doesn’t look great going forward. And some of the leading lights then start looking at other things. This is certainly the case with DeMint. I asked him after your interview here, I asked him, I said look, would you have done this if Republicans had won control of the Senate? And he said if we controlled the Senate and Romney were president, it would be a different question altogether”

Wild Thing's comment...............

Not even sure what to think of all of this. Nothing we can do about any of it anymore other then to be aware what is happening.

Posted by Wild Thing at December 8, 2012 03:47 AM