Theodore's World: Economist John Williams Explains that Real Unemployment is Actually as High as “23 Percent” in the U.S. – Video

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July 24, 2012

Economist John Williams Explains that Real Unemployment is Actually as High as “23 Percent” in the U.S. – Video

Economist John Williams Explains that Real Unemployment is Actually as High as “23 Percent” in the U.S.

Economist John Williams on the Fox Business Network today with host Tom Sullivan. Williams makes the startling claim that unemployment in the U.S. is actually as high as 23%. Williams explains that’s if you count as “unemployed” the “long-term discouraged workers” who have been unemployed for so long they have given up looking for work. The Government no longer counts those folks as “unemployed,” even though, they clearly are.

Wild Thing's comment.........

This is very serious, we all knew it was higher then we have been told. But now they are at least admitting it and discussing how high it is. I am glad they are finally saying how it is, maybe it will wake a few more people up before the election.

Posted by Wild Thing at July 24, 2012 02:55 AM


The FOX NEWS BUSINE$$ channel trumps FOX NEWS and Stuart Varney is THE MAN also to listen too... Brits know all about socialism and TYRANNY - like 236-years ago when our colonists witnessed taxation without representation...

Posted by: ~Red x Baron~ at July 24, 2012 10:30 AM

The pro- ObaMao press will not tell the TRUTH about our nation currently experiencing a DOUBLE DIP rece$$ion... Some of US get this!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at July 24, 2012 10:33 AM

Back in the Carter era I learned to distrust govt. economic statistics. Carter and his Dem Congress gave us double digit inflation, unemployment and interest rates(remember Carter's misery index as he criticized Ford's much much better economy?). At the same time they denied it was that bad. That was also when I began to buy gold and silver as both a hedge and as diversification. Right now the obama bunch have removed food and energy costs from the "official" inflation index. What are your most expensive weekly purchases right now? Food and energy.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at July 24, 2012 03:30 PM

...when you add in those formerly employed who have fallen off the radar screen, those who recently graduated from school and are unable to find their first job, and those who made an "unfavorable re-entry " into the workforce i.e. those who are working multiple part-time jobs, temp work, or those who went from white-collar management careers to managing a pizza shop-or delivering pizzas- 23% unemployment sounds correct. Obamugabe and his "new normal"..The most recent polls show Obama up by 6 to 9 points. I suppose Americans would rather remain poor than have a "rich man" like Romney as president....

Posted by: Willy at July 24, 2012 11:41 PM

...and do not forget that Obama has caused the work force to "shrink" by 1,000,000 people....

Posted by: Willy at July 24, 2012 11:43 PM