Theodore's World: Herman Cain: "President Obama Is ‘Taking Black People For Granted’" ` video

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May 16, 2012

Herman Cain: "President Obama Is ‘Taking Black People For Granted’" ` video

Bishop Harry Jackson appeared on MSNBC to talk about his views on gay marriage but was told by host Chris Matthews, “I hope you evolve.” Tonight on Hannity, Jackson and former GOP candidate Herman Cain appeared on the show to talk more about the president’s support of same-sex marriage.

Cain said, “This was clearly a political decision, a political move. You know, Democrats have long taken black people for granted, their votes. Now this president coming out with this issue, he’s now taking black people for granted not just their votes. This is a states’ rights issue. Why does he want to hijack this issue and try to make it national issue when it is not.”

Sean Hannity asked Jackson if this will impact the African American vote during the election. He answered, “Remember back in 2004 George Bush was elected, reelected based on an eight percent switch in Ohio, nine percent switch in Florida of the black vote. If there’s an organization and folks really come out and say we want to defend traditional marriage, we could see this thing actually blow up in his face.”

Cain added, “He wants to repeal DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act. Forgive me for sounding as if I’m frustrated, who does he think he is? He is not God, he is the President of the United States and that’s what’s turning a lot of people off.”


Wild Thing's comment.......

Obama takes everyone for granted, not only blacks. I am glad Cain has spoken out about Obama and blacks.

Posted by Wild Thing at May 16, 2012 02:47 AM


I hope Herman Cain can get a good position in a Republican administration. I like the guy. Not only for his personality but also for his economic sense.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at May 16, 2012 12:37 PM