Theodore's World: Romney Says Obama's Policies Responsible For High Gas Prices ~ Thank you Mitt Romney You Are Right!!!

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March 16, 2012

Romney Says Obama's Policies Responsible For High Gas Prices ~ Thank you Mitt Romney You Are Right!!!

Romney lays the blame on Obama saying “the president has not pursued policies that have convinced the world that America is going to become energy secure, energy independent" on Fox News this morning.

"His policies are responsible for not having America using the energy that we have in this country instead sending money out to other countries to buy energy from them, we could be developing resources here, creating jobs here and convincing the world that long term America's energy supply is going to grow.

Wild Thing's comment.........

People need to keep hearing this over and over and over till it sinks in that it is Obama doing this and his vile agenda!!

Posted by Wild Thing at March 16, 2012 12:47 AM