Theodore's World: Rush Limbaugh On Perry's Tax Plan:"I'll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great. It's fabulous. I like it. "

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October 26, 2011

Rush Limbaugh On Perry's Tax Plan:"I'll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great. It's fabulous. I like it. "

Rick Perry's Tax Plan is Great

October 25, 2011

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RUSH: Rick Perry announced his tax plan today, which I'll go on record as saying I, El Rushbo, think is great. It's fabulous. I like it.


In fact, the president of the Club for Growth, Chris Chocola, called Rick Perry's new plan "massively pro-growth" in a statement today.

"Rick Perry’s plan for tax reform would be massively pro-growth. A Flat Tax like the one proposed by Perry would unleash years of economic growth if it is passed into law. Furthermore, eliminating the tax on dividends and capital gains would immediately add trillions of dollars in new wealth to the economy, benefiting all Americans. Perry clearly understands that revitalizing the economy should start with a complete overhaul of a tax code that has nearly choked economic growth to death. Conservatives looking for a champion to carry the banner of a pro-growth tax reform will surely rally behind this bold proposal."


Wild Thing's comment........

Great response from Rush.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 26, 2011 05:55 AM