Theodore's World: RACIST CNN's Lemon Asks Herman Cain If He 'Stands a Chance' With 'Mostly-White Party In a Mostly-White State'

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August 13, 2011

RACIST CNN's Lemon Asks Herman Cain If He 'Stands a Chance' With 'Mostly-White Party In a Mostly-White State'

CNN's Lemon Asks Herman Cain If He 'Stands a Chance' With 'Mostly-White Party In a Mostly-White State'


At the Iowa State Fair, CNN's Don Lemon asked Republican presidential nominee Herman Cain if he could win the Iowa vote for the Republican nomination and for president, given that Cain belongs to a "mostly-white party" and is campaigning in a "mostly-white state."

Lemon had said the two had a "passionate conversation" prior to going on air, where he asked Cain "do you think in a party – in a mostly-white party in a mostly-white state, did you really stand a chance, not only of a nomination, of becoming President?"

A partial transcript of the interview, which aired on August 12 at 12:02 p.m. EDT, is as follows:

DON LEMON: Speaking over on the soapbox, and really giving some interesting – and straightforward talk. And we had a – let's say a passionate conversation afterwards. And the reason we did is because you said you were an against-all-odds person, and quite honestly I said to you do you think in a party – in a mostly-white party in a mostly-white state, did you really stand a chance, not only of a nomination, of becoming President?

HERMAN CAIN, GOP presidential candidate: I really think that I have a chance of – getting the nomination, becoming President, because my experience from 2004, when I ran for the United States Senate, and I've traveled to all 159 counties in Georgia, color didn't matter. It wasn't about color.

LEMON: You will be up against someone who has a majority of the African-American vote, and who has – will have, probably, the majority of the liberal vote.

CAIN: Let's just say he temporarily has the majority of the African-American vote. Based upon my experience of being on the radio for five years, I know that is changing. And so I don't believe he's going to capture the majority of the African-American vote if I – when I get the nomination.


Wild Thing's comment......

IMO that is a horrible racist question. And this CNN jerk knows it too and so does CNN. They also know that the Tea Party movement has many, many blacks in it and many that gave a speech at the various rallies. Plus they fail to remember that Republicans backed and supported Clarence Thomas, JD Watts, Allen West and others. And what did the left call each one of these fine men???? Uncle Toms and all kinds of things.

The LEFT only things a black man is OK if he is a DEMOCRAT.

I am so sick of this race card BS from the left.

And Herman Cain is a good man, an honorable man, I have a lot of respect for him. He also has a great personality and one that just listening to him speak makes a person feel better.

He was on wirth Sean Hannity last night too and he even broke into a song. I looked all over for the video of it but there isn't one yet.

Posted by Wild Thing at August 13, 2011 01:47 AM


Herman Cain is solid and capable. He is genuine and sincere. A gentleman, he speaks frankly and true; amiable yet authoritative.

Herman Cain is indeed a good and honorable man, Wild Thing.

He's a man of the future. Herman Cain is an American.

Posted by: Carlos at August 13, 2011 06:17 AM

Any Black who has succeed in life through hard work and self reliance is looked down upon by Democrats. Ever since slavery ended, Democrats have believe Blacks cannot succeed on their own without help from Whites. Democrats today are no different from their ancestors who held slaves and formed the KKK. The only difference is instead of physical slavery, it's economic slavery being imposed on Blacks.

Posted by: BobF at August 13, 2011 07:49 AM

Well, let's see. I wonder if obama could have been elected without a lot of White voters.

What liberals don't understand is that color and gender don't matter to conservatives. We still put value on individuals based on their character and morals.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at August 13, 2011 08:42 AM

i am with you , i'm sick of the race card being played , can't we move past that,as tom said obama could not have won with out the help of a lot of white voters . your observation regarding herman cain is also correct, a hard working man who is honorable and promotes the american dream. i can't help , however wondering how he feels about the endless and pointless questions about his race instead of focusing on the real problems facing american's today

Posted by: latitude38 at August 13, 2011 11:09 PM

I really appreciate all of your comments about this. Thank you all so much.

Posted by: Wild Thing at August 14, 2011 12:02 AM