Theodore's World: Muslim Cleric: "The Flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House"

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October 04, 2010

Muslim Cleric: "The Flag of Islam will one day fly over the White House"

“CHOUDARY: we do believe, as Muslims, the East and the West will one day be governed by the Sharia. Indeed, we believe that one day, the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.”

British Islamic Leader Anjem Choudary destroying a well-crafted attempt by a panel discussion led by Christianne Amanpour to portray Islam as actually a peaceful, moderate religion that no one needs to fear. Franklin Graham had attempted to tell the truth about Islam, but many on the panel had worked hard to try and dispel what he had said.

Amanpour then turned to Anjem Choudary from London, who made it clear that any practicing Muslim wants Sharia Law to hold sway all over the world – including in America.

He crowned his statement by answering Amanpour’s question if Americans should fear Islam this way:

“Indeed we believe that one day the flag of Islam will fly over the White House.”

Since Amanpour has taken helm of “This Week” from Jake Tapper, the program has suffered its lowest ratings since 2003. Perhaps the recent direction of the program is an indicator.


Rev. Franklin Graham told an audience today that Islam is wicked and evil and wants to build as many mosques as possible.


Rev. Franklin Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham, called Islam “wicked” and “evil” on Sunday during a televised town hall-style discussion about American’s feelings about the religion.

“They want to build as many mosques and cultural centers as they possibly can so they can convert as many Americans as they can to Islam,” Graham said on ABC’s “This Week.”

Graham went on to profess his love for “the Muslim people,” but said he has “great difficulty with the religion.”

“Especially with Sharia law and what it does for women – toward women, toward non-believers, the violence that is given in – under Sharia law,” Graham said.
Graham made his remarks as part of a discussion led by Christine Amanpour that included Islamic activist Daisy Khan, former GOP presidential candidate Gary Bauer, two 9/11 families, and various figures with a range of views on Islam and its role in the United States.


Another one on the show was Daisy Khan the wife of the Imam Rauf that are bound and determined to build the NY Mosque at Ground Zero area.

Daisy Khan and her husband Imam Rauf have been ripping off the taxpayers for decades. They are being sued by Union City. Daisy and Rauf took millions of taxpayer monies -- they snagged more than $2 million in public financing to renovate low-income apartments. Rauf kept the money and never made the repairs. He took the money and forced good people to live with vermin and dilapidation.

Rauf and his wife, Daisy the Con, listed their one-bedroom apartment as a mosque in order to conduct what amounts to tax fraud. Rauf got the wildly valuable tax-exempt status for his Muslim organization after deceiving the IRS. He claimed as many as 500 of its members prayed in that tiny one bedroom apartment (also listed as Daisy's residence). Rauf sought "church status" -- to avoid paying taxes.

This Daisy Khan then claimed she has received threats, but she wouldn't have guards because "this was America," and she didn't want to cost the taxpayer money.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali was forced to leave the Netherlands because of the threats on her head. She was raised a Muslim in Somalia but fled her country and renounced Islam -- she has since received death threats for condemning Islamic jihad.

KHAN: First of all, I think that if we have to create a counter against extremism, it's Muslims who have to lead that. And it has to be Muslims like myself and people in the audience and around the country. But with the assistance of people of other faiths and other persuasions. And we have to -- we have to run an interference. I'll give an example of this. Terry Jones was about to burn the Koran. And who ran the interference? It was the evangelical community against their own, because they said, "You do not represent Christianity. And you are not going to sit and go this place and tell them they can't establish a mosque. And you're not going to sit and talk to this imam because we said so." This is what we Muslims want to do, but you have tied our hands. You don't allow us to do this because you brand somebody like me as an extremist, and throw me into the arms of al-Qaeda.

HIRSI: You are sitting here at ABC TV, you've got a great job --


HIRSI: You have freedom to move anywhere, no one is throwing you anywhere. your rights are protected. I think that it's your perception of being a victim, and I think that's --

KHAN: I am not a victim, Ayaan. Stop calling me that. You're the one running with all the bodyguards.


ALI: no you are

GADIEL: she needs it

KHAN: Let me answer. For the record. My life is under threat.

Gary BAUER: Yes, we all are, anybody in --

KHAN: No, hold on one second.

Gary BAUER: Anybody in public life, in a free society has nuts that threaten their lives. everyone.

KHAN: Check with the police department. My husband's life is under threat. We do not walk around with bodyguards, because we love this country.

Gary BAUER: Oh, come on.

KHAN: We don't walk around with big bodyguards.

Gary BAUER: You don't have to, and you don't have to --

KHAN: Because we don't want use taxpayer's money.


Wild Thing's comment.......

Christianne Amanpour is pushing Islam and has been for a long time. This whole show on Sunday that she did was sickening and she pushed hard for the pro Islamics take over the debate.

Don't you just love how there is a concentrated effort from the left to push Islam on us.

Also I have my doubts about anything that Daisy Khan said. The thing is Muslims lie and we can never believe them.

British Islamic Leader Anjem Choudary comments and the one about the flag of islam flying over the WH one day.
Just the fact that Hussein Obama got elected after 9/11, and with obscured resume, tells us how easy a task this is for them if this does happen with the islam flag. I pray with all my heart it never happens but with Obama in office I honestly am very concerned. One thing the muslims are forgetting, there is a spirit that prevails in well over half of America of a love for our country that the left does not have. And when it comes to fighting back all hell will break out if it does come to flying the islam flag like he said or shaira law happening.

Posted by Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 02:55 AM


Well, Muhammmad was a child molester, married a 6 year consumated the marriage when the girl was 9, He was considered a Moon God, So much for the Prophet. Women have no rights at all, totally subservient to their husbands, if not they can be beaten, publicy Whipped, and in the extrreme beheaded by a sanction tribunal all on the say-so of one man. He can also kill/murder his offspring for alledgely being apostates.

This is not a religion it is a HATE cult. And the Left of this country is inviting it to our shores.

Posted by: Mark at October 4, 2010 07:27 AM

Flag of Islam flying over the White House? Only when I run out of ammo. Well...I am seeing a future where there's a Koran next to every toilet. I just don't get it: When the Soviets said they were going to "bury" us, we pointed big guns and nukes in their direction and said, "oh ya, bring it!" When the muzzies say they are going to take over the US we say, " are a peace-loving group...go ahead." Just a symptom of the growing pro-muzzie disease in this country.

Posted by: petesuj at October 4, 2010 09:00 AM

petesuj, we've got to remember that when the Soviets said they were going to bury us, many in this country said "better red than dead". Those people are still here with us and now they've got one of their own in the White House.

Posted by: BobF at October 4, 2010 09:21 AM


islam's goal is world domination.
Every muslim group in America supports that goal. obama is a muslim.
There are few if any "moderate" muslims.
America is a Christian country

We have had poor leadership since Reagan. obama and Bush have both failed to define our real, mortal enemy. It may eventually be up to the armed American citizen to settle this problem.

Posted by: TomR, armed in Texas at October 4, 2010 09:43 AM

Jeez, even the Islamists come right out and say it on TV when asked, but the left/libtards still cover for them. If the left only liked Hitler, they'd insist the Holocaust didn't happen or was just collateral deaths from World War II.

Posted by: Anonymous at October 4, 2010 11:25 AM

Those of us who feel circumspect of provocative offensive statements like this or the proposed mosque development within close proximity to the site of the 9-11 destruction and massacre are somehow disparaged as being part of some type of "islamophobia" as if there's no legitimacy for feeling so.

I do believe that any light scratching of Islam reveals that it is much more an intolerant, uncompromising conquerre ideology than any religion of divine worship, and should be treated as such.

Why is it that nobody ever challenges more moderate Muslims on how it is that they cannot police their own ?

More significantly, why is it that moderate muslims never attempt to isolate, or come out publicly to fully repudiate offensive statements like this, or at the very least repudiate the violence made by the violent radical minority factions within their own community ?

We have today an American President who in his position appeases and submits to these radical foreign elements. -So much so that earlier this Summer on the 65th Anniversary of VJ Day (Victory in Japan Day) which marked the end of World War II after the Surrender of Japan, he chose to commemorate this day with a Ramadan dinner at the White House and to make his Iftar mosque speech, rather than commemorating this highly more significant, liberating, and historically important American anniversary in the the defense of liberty and freedom throughout the world. 

There was not even a statement from the White House commemorating this day, not a word. In fact, when have you ever heard this omnipresent, loquacious motormouthed President even mention the word freedom ?

Nearly two years now into this "fundamental transformation", we Americans have been taking slights from this crowd we have gathered in both the White House and our U.S. Congress that strikes at our American history, our system of self government, our culture and our very identity as Americans.

We have not now a post racial President, but a post American President that is more a citizen of the world than an American citizen who utilizes his White House lectern and his lawyers in the Department of Justice to placate and support foreign interests and to speak to a world stage more clearly than to his own.

Personally, I refuse to even utter his name, nor write, nor type it here.

We live in a time that is both precarious and consequential.

More and more Americans are waking up to this reality and we are now less than a month from the midterm elections.

Show up and vote.

With time, this one term administration's self inflicted implosion will come to an end and well serve as an example of just how not to govern, as we are on the cusp of what I like to call a new American Renaissance, both economic and cultural, where we will define for ourselves and to our own just what it means to be an American.

The stars and stripes forever !

Krista Branch:

Posted by: Carlos at October 4, 2010 11:31 AM

Not on my watch!

Posted by: Tong at October 4, 2010 06:00 PM

Mark, well said......

"This is not a religion it is a HATE cult. And the Left of this country is inviting it to our shores."

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 06:53 PM

Pete, love how you put that in relation to what we did with the Soviets.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 06:55 PM

Bob, yes that'e true and those people are now in office in many of our States.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 07:00 PM

Tom, I agree, we really have had poor leadership since Reagan.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 07:03 PM

Anonymous, exactly right and they keep covering for them and excusing them.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 07:08 PM

Carlos, thank you for all of that and the links too.
Krista Branch is so good, I have posted her singing on here before. She is really talented.

Posted by: Wild Thing at October 4, 2010 07:10 PM

Islam is more than a religion. Its a complete way of life. It includes political ideology, a legal system (Sharia), a social order (highly discriminatory against non muslims, almost to the point of slavery), and it includes economic and military doctrine.

Islam teaches that it is the religious duty of every muslim to fight to establish sharia law whereever they are. That is, to topple democratic governments to impose a totalitarian theocracy (Sharia).

So by definition, islam is a seditious political ideology, dressed up as a religion.

The founder of Islam - mohammad - was a kidnapper, rapist, mass murdered, war monger, and pedophile, "marrying" not only a 6 year old, but the wives of men he had just personally beheaded.

When you read the Quran, you find it is RIFE with intolerance, hate, and violence against non muslims.

When you look at the history of islam, you again find it rife with intolerance, hate, violence and even genocide.

When you look at Islam even in our lifetimes, you find Islam is FULL of intolerance, hate, violence, terrorism, and even genocide. In fact, the genocide of Armenians and the world reaction to it (nothing), inspired Hitler to genocide the jews, thinking the world would do nothing about it.

Pay attention to what goes on in the middle east. Muslim religious leaders constantly call for the genocide of jews, and even in the Sudan today, genocide is occurring by muslim hands.

All adherents to an ideology have varying degrees of commitment, belief, and knowledge of that ideology. Peaceful people who call themselves muslim are not peaceful because they are muslim, they are peaceful because they DO NOT follow the islamic ideology.

As Winston Churchill said, "individual muslims may show admirable qualities", ... "No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith."

Western political leaders really need to wake up to reality fast, because they are leading us into WW3 by trying to appease this ideology. This ideology can only be appeased by the death of EVERY non muslim on the planet.

Posted by: Beren at October 31, 2010 07:14 PM