Theodore's World: Sen. James Inhofe ( R- Oklahoma) Warns of Obama Attempt to Use Gulf Disaster to Push Cap and Tax ~ Must See Video

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June 15, 2010

Sen. James Inhofe ( R- Oklahoma) Warns of Obama Attempt to Use Gulf Disaster to Push Cap and Tax ~ Must See Video


Below a MUST See Video!!!! Sent it to others if you want to get the word out. This video below is excellent to watch, Sen. Inhofe's speech on the Floor. Awesome speech and he goes in to a little more detail about Cap and Trade ( Tax) OMG he also tells about a letter that went out from Obama to his supporters. sheesh more of Obama's trying to control everything. ~ Wild Thing

Inhofe Responds to Obama Attempt to Us Gulf Spill To Push Cap and Tax


Wild Thing's comment........

Obama will be giving his speech tonight AUGH! And I am so glad that Sen. Inhofe has given his own speech about Cap and Trade and Obama's agenda.

Posted by Wild Thing at June 15, 2010 04:55 AM


Obama's inaction in the Gulf may have been planned. His refusal of both Dutch and British assistance may have been well thought out by his staff. Not allowing Louisiana or BP to build the berms to prevent oil to reaching shore could have been a well calculated risk on his part. After all, he's now got the nation worried about oil reaching up the East Coast. What better time to come to the rescue with his Cap & Trade Bill? The American People want action and a plan and he'll now give them his plan, a plan that will bring them down to third world status.

Posted by: BobF at June 15, 2010 09:56 AM

Well said BobF. You make a good point of the fact that the refusal of help was all part of the master plan.

This President(?) and the Congress realize that they have a very small window in which to enact as many laws as possible to insure the turning of America into another Third World Socialistic country.

November cannot come soon enough, but even then it may be too late. Remember the present Congress stays intact until next January.

They can, and probably will do a lot of damage in that period of time.

Posted by: Sean at June 15, 2010 10:49 AM

I think you have it BobF. "Never waster a crisis" game plan in operation. I sure hope we get some more senators like Inhofe in November.

Posted by: TomR at June 15, 2010 02:26 PM

BobF., that really has to be what it is,thanks Bob. It sets it all up for Obama to get the huge control over us with his cap and trade.

Sean, ..."This President(?) and the Congress realize that they have a very small window in which to enact as many laws as possible to insure the turning of America into another Third World Socialistic country."..... that is so true too. They are doing everything so fast, not even coming up for air. As a blogger it is even hard to keep up with so many things each day.

Tom, I hope so too, we do have some that are standing out, and we need more too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at June 15, 2010 06:22 PM