Theodore's World: Rush Limbaugh : Thank you Mr. President

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April 17, 2010

Rush Limbaugh : Thank you Mr. President

Rush Limbaugh reacts to Barack Obama's mocking of the Tea Party movement during a speech, where he said, "You would think they would be saying thank you," for what he falsely claims are "tax cuts."

Limbaugh decided to "oblige" Obama by thanking him for:

-Seizing General Motors and Chrysler
-Appointing a pervert as our safe schools czar
-The generational theft that you have committed
-Insulting and endangering Israel
-Driving up the unemployment rate
-Exploding the annual deposit
-Targeting and destroying private health insurance companies
-Pushing for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to stand trial in New York City
-Helping to destroy the housing market
-Your arrogance, and your divisiveness
-Mocking and disrespecting the American people
-Your never ending support of new Black Panthers and for ACORN
-Embracing our enemies and snubbing our allies

Finally, Limbaugh said, "Most of all Mr. President, thank you for arousing the sleeping silent majority, because we have been asleep for too long. November is coming Mr. President, that is when we will really thank you."


Wild Thing's comment.........

There should be a “November is Coming” bumper sticker.

It’s sobering to see how much damage this SOB has managed to wreak in just under a year and a half.

Posted by Wild Thing at April 17, 2010 10:47 AM


T-minus 199 days and counting......
>> !

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at April 17, 2010 11:11 AM

Isn't Rush wonderful??!! He speaks the truth! I am SO VERY LUCKY that I can listen to him every day unless WTAM 1100 pre-empts with an MLB Cleveland Indians game...g-r-r--r-r- :)...doesn't happen toooo often...

Posted by: jan at April 17, 2010 05:48 PM

Darth, hahahaha amen to that.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 17, 2010 07:41 PM

Jan, I feel the same way. We are very fortunate that Rush is around and is the kind of person he is. I thank God for him.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 17, 2010 07:42 PM