Theodore's World: Marco Rubio On Hannity Show

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April 14, 2010

Marco Rubio On Hannity Show

Hannity comes to Florida and interviews Marco Rubio , receives huge welcome from the crowd .

Rubio: "If we stay on this road this President has us on, everything that's made us special and unique is gonna get lost"


Wild Thing's comment........

Crist dined with Joe Biden in S. Fla a few weeks ago, he sure does all he can not to win. I am glad, Crist is a rino and Rubio is doing great on the campaign trail.

Below are some of the more important issues facing our country as addressed by Rubio:

SPENDING: “I am gravely concerned by a federal government that continues spending money it doesn’t have. In early 2009, I joined Florida’s entire Republican congressional delegation in opposing the $787 billion stimulus bill. In the U.S. Senate, I will support measures like a balanced budget amendment and the line-item veto that will help control the excessive and wasteful spending in Washington that threatens to leave future generations with crushing debt and a country worse off than that of their parents and grandparents.”

TAXES: “I have never voted for a tax increase. While I generally support tax cuts, I believe meaningful tax reform that simplifies our tax code, makes it easier to understand and is more fair to the taxpayer should be our ultimate goal. In the mean time, I will support efforts to reduce the tax burden on American workers, entrepreneurs and businesses. This includes: eliminating the Death Tax; eliminating taxes on capital gains, dividends and interest, thereby encouraging greater savings and investment; and making America the most attractive place to do business by lowering corporate tax rates.”

SECOND AMENDMENT: “Like the rest of our Constitution, I believe the 2nd Amendment is a cornerstone of our democracy. I believe the right to bear arms is a constitutionally protected right. The right of citizens to defend themselves by bearing arms is a fundamental human right that should be protected.”

IMMIGRATION: “Legal immigration has been a great source of strength and prosperity for America, but I believe illegal immigration threatens the foundation of this system. If I had been in the Senate at the time, I would have opposed the McCain-Kennedy bill. I believe we must fix our immigration system by first securing the border, fixing the visa and entry process and opposing amnesty in any reform.”

SANCTITY OF LIFE: “I am pro-life. As a state legislator, I supported various pieces of pro-life legislation that, among other things, would require doctors to perform ultrasounds before performing abortions and another bill that would ban the use of taxpayer dollars to fund stem cell research.”

On Health Care: See video from his website

Posted by Wild Thing at April 14, 2010 06:44 AM


Rubio reminds me of a political Al Pacino and should win his election... He's going places!

Posted by: darthcrUSAderworldtour07 at April 14, 2010 09:39 AM

Come on Florida. I sure hope Rubio wins this senate seat.

Posted by: TomR at April 14, 2010 11:09 AM

Here's the guy behind the crash the Tea Party movement. Texas Fred posted about him.

Posted by: BobF at April 14, 2010 04:33 PM

Darth, thank you, I had not thought of that but yes he does.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 14, 2010 08:49 PM

Tom, yesssss pullig for Rubio. Nick likes him too.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 14, 2010 08:50 PM

BobF., thank you so much for the link.

Posted by: Wild Thing at April 14, 2010 08:51 PM